Electromagnetic Follow-ups of Binary Neutron Star Mergers with Early Warnings from Decihertz Gravitational-wave Observatories

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Yacheng Kang, Chang Liu, Lijing Shao, , | Summary: We investigate the prospects of electromagnetic follow-ups for binary neutron star (BNS) mergers, with the help of early warnings from decihertz gravitational-wave (GW) observatories, B-DECIGO and DO-Optimal. Extending our previous work in Liu et al. (2022), we not […]

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Electromagnetic Follow-up Observations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers with Early Warnings from Decihertz Gravitational-wave Observatories

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Yacheng Kang, Chang Liu, Lijing Shao, , | Summary: We investigate the prospects of electromagnetic follow-up observations for binary neutron star (BNS) mergers, with the help of early warnings from decihertz gravitational-wave (GW) observatories, B-DECIGO and DO-Optimal. Extending the previous work, we not only give quick assessments […]

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Amplitude modulation in binary gravitational lensing of gravitational waves

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Yi Qiu, Ke Wang, Jian-hua He, , | Summary: We investigate the detectability of gravitational waves (GWs) lensed by a system that consists of binary black holes as lenses using time-domain numerical simulations. The gravitational lensing potential of this system is no longer static but evolves with […]

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Subnanometer Accuracy of Surface Characterization by Reflected-Light Differential Interference Microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Xian Chen | First 5 Authors: Ka Hung Chan, Shengwang Du, Xian Chen, , | Summary: We theorize the surface step characterization by reflected incoherent-light differential interference microscopy with consideration of the optical diffraction effect. With the integration of localization analysis, we develop a quantitative differential interference optical system, by which we demonstrate […]

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Li-rich Giants in LAMOST Survey. III. The statistical analysis of Li-rich giants

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yutao Zhou, Chun Wang, Hongliang Yan, Yang Huang, Bo Zhang | Summary: The puzzle of Li-rich giant is still unsolved, contradicting the prediction of the standard stellar models. Although the exact evolutionary stages play a key role in the knowledge of Li-rich giants, a limited number of […]

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Supercritical growth pathway to overmassive black holes at cosmic dawn: coevolution with massive quasar hosts

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Haojie Hu, Kohei Inayoshi, Zoltán Haiman, Wenxiu Li, Eliot Quataert | Summary: Observations of the most luminous quasars at high redshifts ($z > 6$) have revealed that the largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at those epochs tend to be substantially overmassive relative to their host galaxies compared […]

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Analyzing the Adoption Challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Smart Cities in China

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, Yafei Zhao, Rajan Kumar Gangadhari, Zhixing Li, | Summary: Smart cities play a vital role in the growth of a nation. In recent years, several countries have made huge investments in developing smart cities to offer sustainable living. However, there are some challenges to overcome […]

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The Age of Discovery with the James Webb: Excavating the Spectral Signatures of the First Massive Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Kohei Inayoshi, Masafusa Onoue, Yuma Sugahara, Akio K. Inoue, Luis C. Ho | Summary: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will open a new window of the most distant universe and unveil the early growth of supermassive black holes (BHs) in the first galaxies. In preparation for […]

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Localizing narrow Fe K$α$ emission within bright AGN

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Carolina Andonie, Franz E. Bauer, Rosamaria Carraro, Patricia Arevalo, David M. Alexander | Summary: The 6.4 keV Fe Ka emission line is a ubiquitous feature in X-ray spectra of AGN, and its properties track the interaction between the variable primary X-ray continuum and the surrounding structure from […]

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