The Star-forming Main Sequence of the Host Galaxies of Low-redshift Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Ming-Yang Zhuang, Luis C. Ho, , , | Summary: We investigate the star-forming main sequence of the host galaxies of a large, well-defined sample of 453 redshift $sim$0.3 quasars with previously available star formation rates by deriving stellar masses from modeling their broad-band ($grizy$) spectral energy […]

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Composable Text Control Operations in Latent Space with Ordinary Differential Equations

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Guangyi Liu, Zeyu Feng, Yuan Gao, Zichao Yang, Xiaodan Liang | Summary: Real-world text applications often involve composing a wide range of text control operations, such as editing the text w.r.t. an attribute, manipulating keywords and structure, and generating new text of desired properties. Prior work typically […]

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Composable Text Controls in Latent Space with ODEs

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Guangyi Liu, Zeyu Feng, Yuan Gao, Zichao Yang, Xiaodan Liang | Summary: Real-world text applications often involve composing a wide range of text control operations, such as editing the text w.r.t. an attribute, manipulating keywords and structure, and generating new text of desired properties. Prior work typically […]

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Newly discovered $zsim5$ quasars based on deep learning and Bayesian information criterion

Kavli Affiliate: Linhua Jiang | First 5 Authors: Suhyun Shin, Myungshin Im, Yongjung Kim, Linhua Jiang, | Summary: We report the discovery of four quasars with $M_{1450} gtrsim -25.0$ mag at $zsim5$ and supermassive black hole mass measurement for one of the quasars. They were selected as promising high-redshift quasar candidates via deep learning and […]

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Testing the key role of the stellar mass-halo mass relation in galaxy merger rates and morphologies via DECODE, a novel Discrete statistical sEmi-empiriCal mODEl

| First 5 authors: [#feed_custom_author[1]], [#feed_custom_author[2]], [#feed_custom_author[3]], [#feed_custom_author[4]], [#feed_custom_author[5]] | Summary: The relative roles of mergers and star formation in regulating galaxy growth are still a matter of intense debate. We here present our DECODE, a new Discrete statistical sEmi-empiriCal mODEl specifically designed to predict rapidly and efficiently, in a full cosmological context, galaxy assembly […]

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AlphaVC: High-Performance and Efficient Learned Video Compression

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Yibo Shi, Yunying Ge, Jing Wang, Jue Mao, | Summary: Recently, learned video compression has drawn lots of attention and show a rapid development trend with promising results. However, the previous works still suffer from some criticial issues and have a performance gap with traditional compression standards […]

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Polarizations of Gravitational Waves in the Bumblebee Gravity Model

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Dicong Liang, Rui Xu, Xuchen Lu, Lijing Shao, | Summary: Lorentz violation modifies the dispersion relation of gravitational waves (GWs), and induces birefringence and anisotropy in propagation. Our study shows that Lorentz violation can also activate multiple polarizations of GWs. We use the gauge invariants to investigate […]

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Content-oriented learned image compression

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Meng Li, Shangyin Gao, Yihui Feng, Yibo Shi, Jing Wang | Summary: In recent years, with the development of deep neural networks, end-to-end optimized image compression has made significant progress and exceeded the classic methods in terms of rate-distortion performance. However, most learning-based image compression methods are […]

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Distributed YSOs in the Perseus Molecular Cloud from the Gaia and LAMOST Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Xiao-Long Wang, Min Fang, Yu Gao, Hong-Xin Zhang, Gregory J. Herczeg | Summary: Identifying the young optically visible population in a star-forming region is essential for fully understanding the star formation event. In this paper, We identify 211 candidate members of the Perseus molecular cloud based […]

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Diagnosing FUor-like Sources: The Parameter Space of Viscously Heated Disks in the Optical and Near-IR

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Hanpu Liu, Gregory J. Herczeg, Doug Johnstone, Carlos Contreras-Peña, Jeong-Eun Lee | Summary: FU Ori type objects (FUors) are decades-long outbursts of accretion onto young stars that are strong enough to viscously heat disks so that the disk outshines the central star. We construct models for […]

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