Dai-Freed anomaly in the standard model and topological inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, , , | Summary: When we impose the discrete symmetry in the standard model we have Dai-Freed global anomalies. However, interestingly if we introduce three right-handed neutrinos we can have an anomaly-free discrete $Z_4$ gauge symmetry. This $Z_4$ symmetry should be spontaneously […]

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Subsystem Non-Invertible Symmetry Operators and Defects

Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki | First 5 Authors: Weiguang Cao, Linhao Li, Masahito Yamazaki, Yunqin Zheng, | Summary: We explore non-invertible symmetries in two-dimensional lattice models with subsystem $mathbb Z_2$ symmetry. We introduce a subsystem $mathbb Z_2$-gauging procedure, called the subsystem Kramers-Wannier transformation, which generalizes the ordinary Kramers-Wannier transformation. The corresponding duality operators and defects […]

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COMAP Early Science: VIII. A Joint Stacking Analysis with eBOSS Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Sarah E. Church | First 5 Authors: Delaney A. Dunne, Kieran A. Cleary, Patrick C. Breysse, Dongwoo T. Chung, Havard T. Ihle | Summary: We present a new upper limit on the cosmic molecular gas density at $z=2.4-3.4$ obtained using the first year of observations from the CO Mapping Array Project (COMAP). COMAP […]

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COMAP Early Science: VIII. A Joint Stacking Analysis with eBOSS Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Sarah E. Church | First 5 Authors: Delaney A. Dunne, Kieran A. Cleary, Patrick C. Breysse, Dongwoo T. Chung, Havard T. Ihle | Summary: We present a new upper limit on the cosmic molecular gas density at $z=2.4-3.4$ obtained using the first year of observations from the CO Mapping Array Project (COMAP). COMAP […]

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Transverse momentum dependent shape function for $J/ψ$ production in SIDIS

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Daniël Boer, Jelle Bor, Luca Maxia, Cristian Pisano, Feng Yuan | Summary: It has been shown previously that the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization of heavy quarkonium production requires a TMD shape function. Its perturbative tail can be extracted by matching the cross sections valid at low […]

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Two Warm Super-Earths Transiting the Nearby M Dwarf TOI-2095

Kavli Affiliate: Roland K. Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Elisa V. Quintana, Emily A. Gilbert, Thomas Barclay, Michele L. Silverstein, Joshua E. Schlieder | Summary: We report the detection and validation of two planets orbiting TOI-2095 (TIC 235678745). The host star is a 3700K M1V dwarf with a high proper motion. The star lies at […]

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Two Warm Super-Earths Transiting the Nearby M Dwarf TOI-2095

Kavli Affiliate: Roland K. Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Elisa V. Quintana, Emily A. Gilbert, Thomas Barclay, Michele L. Silverstein, Joshua E. Schlieder | Summary: We report the detection and validation of two planets orbiting TOI-2095 (TIC 235678745). The host star is a 3700K M1V dwarf with a high proper motion. The star lies at […]

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Two Warm Super-Earths Transiting the Nearby M Dwarf TOI-2095

Kavli Affiliate: Roland K. Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Elisa V. Quintana, Emily A. Gilbert, Thomas Barclay, Michele L. Silverstein, Joshua E. Schlieder | Summary: We report the detection and validation of two planets orbiting TOI-2095 (TIC 235678745). The host star is a 3700K M1V dwarf with a high proper motion. The star lies at […]

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Searching for millicharged particles with 1 kg of Skipper-CCDs using the NuMI beam at Fermilab

Kavli Affiliate: Paolo Privitera | First 5 Authors: Santiago Perez, Dario Rodrigues, Juan Estrada, Roni Harnik, Zhen Liu | Summary: Oscura is a planned light-dark matter search experiment using Skipper-CCDs with a total active mass of 10 kg. As part of the detector development, the collaboration plans to build the Oscura Integration Test (OIT), an […]

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