Duality Origami: Emergent Ensemble Symmetries in Holography and Swampland

Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki | First 5 Authors: Meer Ashwinkumar, Jacob M. Leedom, Masahito Yamazaki, , | Summary: We discuss interrelations between several ideas in quantum gravity. One is the Swampland program, which states that a low-energy effective field theory should satisfy non-trivial constraints to have an ultraviolet (UV) completion in quantum gravity. Another is […]

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Duality Origami: Emergent Ensemble Symmetries in Holography and Swampland

Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki | First 5 Authors: Meer Ashwinkumar, Jacob M. Leedom, Masahito Yamazaki, , | Summary: We discuss the interrelations between several ideas in quantum gravity — holography, the Swampland, and the concept of ensemble averaging. To do so, we study ensemble averages of Narain-type theories associated with general even quadratic forms and […]

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Gravitational Positivity for Phenomenologists: Dark Gauge Boson in the Swampland

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Katsuki Aoki, Toshifumi Noumi, Ryo Saito, Sota Sato, Satoshi Shirai | Summary: The gravitational positivity bound gives quantitative “swampland” constraints on low-energy effective theories inside theories of quantum gravity. We give a comprehensive discussion of this bound for those interested in applications to phenomenological model building. We […]

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Gravitational Positivity for Phenomenologists: Dark Gauge Boson in the Swampland

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Katsuki Aoki, Toshifumi Noumi, Ryo Saito, Sota Sato, Satoshi Shirai | Summary: The gravitational positivity bound gives quantitative "swampland” constraints on low-energy effective theories inside theories of quantum gravity. We give a comprehensive discussion of this bound for those interested in applications to phenomenological model building. We […]

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Measuring $μ$-Distortions from the Thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect

Kavli Affiliate: Wayne Hu | First 5 Authors: David Zegeye, Thomas Crawford, Wayne Hu, , | Summary: The thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (tSZ) effect is a spectral distortion of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) resulting from inverse Compton scattering of CMB photons with electrons in the medium of galaxy clusters. The spectrum of the tSZ effect is […]

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A non-linear solution to the $S_8$ tension II: Analysis of DES Year 3 cosmic shear

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Calvin Preston, Alexandra Amon, George Efstathiou, , | Summary: Weak galaxy lensing surveys have consistently reported low values of the $S_8$ parameter compared to the $textit{Planck} Lambdarm{CDM}$ cosmology. Amon & Efstathiou (2022) used KiDS-1000 cosmic shear measurements to propose that this tension can be reconciled if the […]

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Rescaling strange-cluster stars and its implications on gravitational-wave echoes

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Chen Zhang, Yong Gao, Cheng-Jun Xia, Renxin Xu, | Summary: Solid states of strange-cluster matter called strangeon matter can form strangeon stars that are highly compact. We show that strangeon matter and strangeon stars can be recast into dimensionless forms by a simple reparametrization and rescaling, through […]

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Optimizing the Evolution of Perturbations in the $Λ$CDM Universe

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Challinor | First 5 Authors: Nicholas Choustikov, Zvonimir Vlah, Anthony Challinor, , | Summary: Perturbation theory is a powerful tool for studying large-scale structure formation in the universe and calculating observables such as the power spectrum or bispectrum. However, beyond linear order, typically this is done by assuming a simplification in the […]

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Extreme mass-ratio inspiral of a spinning body into a Kerr black hole I: Evolution along generic trajectories

Kavli Affiliate: Scott A. Hughes | First 5 Authors: Lisa V. Drummond, Alexandra G. Hanselman, Devin R. Becker, Scott A. Hughes, | Summary: The study of spinning bodies moving in curved spacetime has relevance to binary black hole systems with large mass ratios, as well as being of formal interest. At zeroth order in a […]

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Extreme mass-ratio inspiral of a spinning body into a Kerr black hole I: Evolution along generic trajectories

Kavli Affiliate: Scott A. Hughes | First 5 Authors: Lisa V. Drummond, Alexandra G. Hanselman, Devin R. Becker, Scott A. Hughes, | Summary: The study of spinning bodies moving in curved spacetime has relevance to binary black hole systems with large mass ratios, as well as being of formal interest. At zeroth order in a […]

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