Growth of Seed Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei

Kavli Affiliate: Rainer Spurzem | First 5 Authors: Rainer Spurzem, Francesco Rizzuto, Manuel Arca Sedda, Albrecht Kamlah, Peter Berczik | Summary: The evolution of dense star clusters is followed by direct high-accuracy N-body simulation. The problem is to first order a gravitational N-body problem, but stars evolve due to astrophysics and the more massive ones […]

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Revise thermal winds of remnant neutron stars in gamma-ray bursts

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Shuang Du, Tingting Lin, Shujin Hou, Renxin Xu, | Summary: It seems that the wealth of information revealed by the multi-messenger observations of the binary neutron star (NS) merger event, GW170817/GRB 170817A/kilonova AT2017gfo, places irreconcilable constraints to models of the prompt emission of this gamma-ray burst (GRB). […]

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Coronal Properties of Low-Accreting AGNs using Swift, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR Observations

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Arghajit Jana, Arka Chatterjee, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Prantik Nandi, Rubinur K. | Summary: We studied the broadband X-ray spectra of {it Swift}/BAT selected low-accreting AGNs using the observations from {it XMM-Newton}, {it Swift}, and {it NuSTAR} in the energy range of $0.5-150$~keV. Our sample consists of 30 AGNs […]

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The SocialAI School: Insights from Developmental Psychology Towards Artificial Socio-Cultural Agents

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Ford | First 5 Authors: Grgur Kovač, Rémy Portelas, Peter Ford Dominey, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, | Summary: Developmental psychologists have long-established the importance of socio-cognitive abilities in human intelligence. These abilities enable us to enter, participate and benefit from human culture. AI research on social interactive agents mostly concerns the emergence of culture […]

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The SocialAI School: Insights from Developmental Psychology Towards Artificial Socio-Cultural Agents

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Ford | First 5 Authors: Grgur Kovač, Rémy Portelas, Peter Ford Dominey, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, | Summary: Developmental psychologists have long-established the importance of socio-cognitive abilities in human intelligence. These abilities enable us to enter, participate and benefit from human culture. AI research on social interactive agents mostly concerns the emergence of culture […]

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Large Language Models as Superpositions of Cultural Perspectives

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Ford | First 5 Authors: Grgur Kovač, Masataka Sawayama, Rémy Portelas, Cédric Colas, Peter Ford Dominey | Summary: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often misleadingly recognized as having a personality or a set of values. We argue that an LLM can be seen as a superposition of perspectives with different values and […]

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Large Language Models as Superpositions of Cultural Perspectives

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Ford | First 5 Authors: Grgur Kovač, Masataka Sawayama, Rémy Portelas, Cédric Colas, Peter Ford Dominey | Summary: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often misleadingly recognized as having a personality or a set of values. We argue that an LLM can be seen as a superposition of perspectives with different values and […]

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Large Language Models as Superpositions of Cultural Perspectives

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Ford | First 5 Authors: Grgur Kovač, Masataka Sawayama, Rémy Portelas, Cédric Colas, Peter Ford Dominey | Summary: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often misleadingly recognized as having a personality or a set of values. We argue that an LLM can be seen as a superposition of perspectives with different values and […]

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