Constraints On Covariant WIMP-Nucleon Effective Field Theory Interactions from the First Science Run of the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: C. M. Ignarra | First 5 Authors: J. Aalbers, D. S. Akerib, A. K. Al Musalhi, F. Alder, C. S. Amarasinghe | Summary: The first science run of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, a dual-phase xenon time project chamber operating in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, USA, has reported leading limits […]

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The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: the 80-month catalog and source properties of the high-energy emitting AGN and quasar population

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Claire L. Greenwell, Lizelke Klindt, George B. Lansbury, David J. Rosario, David M. Alexander | Summary: We present a catalog of hard X-ray serendipitous sources detected in the first 80 months of observations by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). The NuSTAR serendipitous survey 80-month (NSS80) catalog […]

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PromptCIR: Blind Compressed Image Restoration with Prompt Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Li Xin Li | First 5 Authors: Bingchen Li, Xin Li, Yiting Lu, Ruoyu Feng, Mengxi Guo | Summary: Blind Compressed Image Restoration (CIR) has garnered significant attention due to its practical applications. It aims to mitigate compression artifacts caused by unknown quality factors, particularly with JPEG codecs. Existing works on blind CIR […]

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PromptCIR: Blind Compressed Image Restoration with Prompt Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Li Xin Li | First 5 Authors: Bingchen Li, Xin Li, Yiting Lu, Ruoyu Feng, Mengxi Guo | Summary: Blind Compressed Image Restoration (CIR) has garnered significant attention due to its practical applications. It aims to mitigate compression artifacts caused by unknown quality factors, particularly with JPEG codecs. Existing works on blind CIR […]

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LAMOST J1010+2358 is not a Pair-Instability Supernova Relic

Kavli Affiliate: Alexander P. Ji | First 5 Authors: Pierre N. Thibodeaux, Alexander P. Ji, William Cerny, Evan N. Kirby, Joshua D. Simon | Summary: The discovery of a star formed out of pair-instability supernova ejecta would have massive implications for the Population III star initial mass function and the existence of stars over 100 […]

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LAMOST J1010+2358 is not a Pair-Instability Supernova Relic

Kavli Affiliate: Alexander P. Ji | First 5 Authors: Pierre N. Thibodeaux, Alexander P. Ji, William Cerny, Evan N. Kirby, Joshua D. Simon | Summary: The discovery of a star formed out of pair-instability supernova ejecta would have massive implications for the Population III star initial mass function and the existence of stars over 100 […]

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Chandra HETG X-ray Spectra and Variability of $π$ Aqr, a $γ$ Cas-type Be star

Kavli Affiliate: David P. Huenemoerder | First 5 Authors: David P. Huenemoerder, Pragati Pradhan, Claude R. Canizares, Sean Gunderson, Richard Ignace | Summary: High-resolution X-ray spectra of $pi,$Aqr, a $gamma,$Cas-type star, obtained with the Chandra/HETG grating spectrometer, revealed emission lines of H-like ions of Mg, Si, S, and Fe, a strong, hard continuum, and a […]

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Chandra HETG X-ray Spectra and Variability of $π$ Aqr, a $γ$ Cas-type Be star

Kavli Affiliate: Norbert S. Schulz | First 5 Authors: David P. Huenemoerder, Pragati Pradhan, Claude R. Canizares, Sean Gunderson, Richard Ignace | Summary: High-resolution X-ray spectra of $pi,$Aqr, a $gamma,$Cas-type star, obtained with the Chandra/HETG grating spectrometer, revealed emission lines of H-like ions of Mg, Si, S, and Fe, a strong, hard continuum, and a […]

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Chandra HETG X-ray Spectra and Variability of $π$ Aqr, a $γ$ Cas-type Be star

Kavli Affiliate: Norbert S. Schulz | First 5 Authors: David P. Huenemoerder, Pragati Pradhan, Claude R. Canizares, Sean Gunderson, Richard Ignace | Summary: High-resolution X-ray spectra of $pi,$Aqr, a $gamma,$Cas-type star, obtained with the Chandra/HETG grating spectrometer, revealed emission lines of H-like ions of Mg, Si, S, and Fe, a strong, hard continuum, and a […]

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High-Coherence Kerr-cat qubit in 2D architecture

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ahmed Hajr, Bingcheng Qing, Ke Wang, Gerwin Koolstra, Zahra Pedramrazi | Summary: The Kerr-cat qubit is a bosonic qubit in which multi-photon Schrodinger cat states are stabilized by applying a two-photon drive to an oscillator with a Kerr nonlinearity. The suppressed bit-flip rate with increasing cat size […]

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