ALPHA: Searching For Dark Matter with Plasma Haloscopes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Millar, Steven M. Anlage, Rustam Balafendiev, Pavel Belov, Karl van Bibber | Summary: We summarise the recent progress of the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope (ALPHA) Consortium, a new experimental collaboration to build a plasma haloscope to search for axions and dark photons. The plasma haloscope […]

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Searching For Dark Matter with Plasma Haloscopes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Millar, Steven M. Anlage, Rustam Balafendiev, Pavel Belov, Karl van Bibber | Summary: We summarise the recent progress of the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope (ALPHA) Consortium, a new experimental collaboration to build a plasma haloscope to search for axions and dark photons. The plasma haloscope […]

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Searching For Dark Matter with Plasma Haloscopes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Millar, Steven M. Anlage, Rustam Balafendiev, Pavel Belov, Karl van Bibber | Summary: We summarise the recent progress of the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope (ALPHA) Consortium, a new experimental collaboration to build a plasma haloscope to search for axions and dark photons. The plasma haloscope […]

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Revealing AGNs Through TESS Variability

Kavli Affiliate: Michael M. Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Helena P. Treiber, Jason T. Hinkle, Michael M. Fausnaugh, Benjamin J. Shappee, Christopher S. Kochanek | Summary: We used Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data to identify 29 candidate active galactic nuclei (AGNs) through their optical variability. The high-cadence, high-precision TESS light curves present a unique […]

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Revealing AGNs Through TESS Variability

Kavli Affiliate: Michael M. Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Helena P. Treiber, Jason T. Hinkle, Michael M. Fausnaugh, Benjamin J. Shappee, Christopher S. Kochanek | Summary: We used Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data to identify 29 candidate active galactic nuclei (AGNs) through their optical variability. The high-cadence, high-precision TESS light curves present a unique […]

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An old warm Jupiter orbiting the metal-poor G-dwarf TOI-5542

Kavli Affiliate: Robert F. Goeke | First 5 Authors: Nolan Grieves, François Bouchy, Solène Ulmer-Moll, Samuel Gill, David R. Anderson | Summary: We report the discovery of a 1.32$^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$ $mathrm{M_{rm Jup}}$ planet orbiting on a 75.12 day period around the G3V $10.8^{+2.1}_{-3.6}$ Gyr old star TOI-5542 (TIC 466206508; TYC 9086-1210-1). The planet was first detected […]

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TESS spots a mini-neptune interior to a hot saturn in the TOI-2000 system

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew M. Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Lizhou Sha, Andrew M. Vanderburg, Chelsea X. Huang, David J. Armstrong, Rafael Brahm | Summary: Hot jupiters (P < 10 d, M > 60 $mathrm{M}_oplus$) are almost always found alone around their stars, but four out of hundreds known have inner companion planets. These rare companions […]

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TESS spots a mini-neptune interior to a hot saturn in the TOI-2000 system

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew M. Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Lizhou Sha, Andrew M. Vanderburg, Chelsea X. Huang, David J. Armstrong, Rafael Brahm | Summary: Hot jupiters (P < 10 d, M > 60 $mathrm{M}_oplus$) are almost always found alone around their stars, but four out of hundreds known have inner companion planets. These rare companions […]

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Validation of TOI-1221 b, a warm sub-Neptune exhibiting TTVs around a Sun-like star

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Christopher R. Mann, David Lafrenière, Diana Dragomir, Samuel N. Quinn, Thiam-Guan Tan | Summary: We present a successful validation of the long-period ($91.68278^{+0.00032}_{-0.00041}$ days) transiting sub-Neptune planet TOI-1221 b (TIC 349095149.01) around a Sun-like (m$_{rm V}$=10.5) star. We combine {it TESS} light curve measurements and ground-based time-series […]

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A New Method for Finding Nearby White Dwarf Exoplanets and Detecting Biosignatures

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Mary Anne Limbach, Andrew Vanderburg, Kevin B. Stevenson, Simon Blouin, Caroline Morley | Summary: We demonstrate that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) can detect infrared (IR) excess from the blended light spectral energy distribution of spatially unresolved terrestrial exoplanets orbiting nearby white dwarfs. We find that […]

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