A search for persistent radio sources toward repeating fast radio bursts discovered by CHIME/FRB

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Adaeze L. Ibik, Maria R. Drout, Bryan M. Gaensler, Paul Scholz, Navin Sridhar | Summary: The identification of persistent radio sources (PRSs) coincident with two repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) supports FRB theories requiring a compact central engine. However, deep non-detections in other cases highlight the […]

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A search for persistent radio sources toward repeating fast radio bursts discovered by CHIME/FRB

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Adaeze L. Ibik, Maria R. Drout, Bryan M. Gaensler, Paul Scholz, Navin Sridhar | Summary: The identification of persistent radio sources (PRSs) coincident with two repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) supports FRB theories requiring a compact central engine. However, deep non-detections in other cases highlight the […]

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A VLBI Calibrator Grid at 600MHz for Fast Radio Transient Localizations with CHIME/FRB Outriggers

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Shion Andrew, Calvin Leung, Alexander Li, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Bridget C. Andersen | Summary: The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst (CHIME/FRB) Project has a new VLBI Outrigger at the Green Bank Observatory (GBO), which forms a 3300km baseline with CHIME operating at 400-800MHz. […]

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Sherpa: An Open Source Python Fitting Package

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Principe | First 5 Authors: Aneta Siemiginowska, Douglas Burke, Hans Moritz Günther, Nicholas P. Lee, Warren McLaughlin | Summary: We present an overview of Sherpa, an open source Python project, and discuss its development history, broad design concepts and capabilities. Sherpa contains powerful tools for combining parametric models into complex expressions […]

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Possible anti-correlations between pulsation amplitudes and the disk growth of Be stars in giant-outbursting Be X-ray binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Masafumi Niwano, Michael M. Fausnaugh, Ryan M. Lau, Kishalay De, Roberto Soria | Summary: The mechanism of X-ray outbursts in Be X-ray binaries remains a mystery, and understanding their circumstellar disks is crucial for a solution of the mass-transfer problem. In particular, it is important to identify […]

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Possible anti-correlations between pulsation amplitudes and the disk growth of Be stars in giant-outbursting Be X-ray binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Michael M. Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Masafumi Niwano, Michael M. Fausnaugh, Ryan M. Lau, Kishalay De, Roberto Soria | Summary: The mechanism of X-ray outbursts in Be X-ray binaries remains a mystery, and understanding their circumstellar disks is crucial for a solution of the mass-transfer problem. In particular, it is important to […]

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The Interplay between the Disk and Corona of the Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES 1927+654

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Ruancun Li, Claudio Ricci, Luis C. Ho, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Erin Kara | Summary: Time-domain studies of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) offer a powerful tool for understanding black hole accretion physics. Prior to the optical outburst on 23 December 2017, 1ES 1927+654 was classified as a "true" type~2 […]

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AGN STORM 2. VII. A Frequency-resolved Map of the Accretion Disk in Mrk 817: Simultaneous X-ray Reverberation and UVOIR Disk Reprocessing Time Lags

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Collin Lewin, Erin Kara, Aaron J. Barth, Edward M. Cackett, Gisella De Rosa | Summary: X-ray reverberation mapping is a powerful technique for probing the innermost accretion disk, whereas continuum reverberation mapping in the UV, optical, and infrared (UVOIR) reveals reprocessing by the rest of the accretion […]

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Constraining atmospheric composition from the outflow: helium observations reveal the fundamental properties of two planets straddling the radius gap

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Michael Zhang, Jacob L. Bean, David Wilson, Girish Duvvuri, Christian Schneider | Summary: TOI-836 is a $sim2-3$ Gyr K dwarf with an inner super Earth ($R=1.7,R_oplus$, $P=3.8,d$) and an outer mini Neptune ($R=2.6,R_oplus$, $P=8.6,d$). Recent JWST/NIRSpec 2.8–5.2 $mu$m observations have revealed flat transmission spectra for both planets. […]

Continue.. Constraining atmospheric composition from the outflow: helium observations reveal the fundamental properties of two planets straddling the radius gap