Palatini gravity with nonmetricity, torsion, and boundaries in metric and connection variables

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: Fernando Barbero G., Juan Margalef-Bentabol, Valle Varo, Eduardo J. S. VillaseƱor, | Summary: We prove the equivalence in the covariant phase space of the metric and connection formulations for Palatini gravity, with nonmetricity and torsion, on a spacetime manifold with boundary. To this end, we will […]

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A NICER View of the Massive Pulsar PSR J0740+6620 Informed by Radio Timing and XMM-Newton Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald A. Remillard | First 5 Authors: Thomas E. Riley, Anna L. Watts, Paul S. Ray, Slavko Bogdanov, Sebastien Guillot | Summary: We report on Bayesian estimation of the radius, mass, and hot surface regions of the massive millisecond pulsar PSR J0740$+$6620, conditional on pulse-profile modeling of Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer X-ray […]

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Reverberation mapping of Active Galactic Nuclei: from X-ray corona to dusty torus

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Edward M. Cackett, Misty C. Bentz, Erin Kara, , | Summary: The central engines of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are powered by accreting supermassive black holes, and while AGNs are known to play an important role in galaxy evolution, the key physical processes occur on scales that […]

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AGN STORM 2: I. First results: A Change in the Weather of Mrk 817

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Erin Kara, Missagh Mehdipour, Gerard A. Kriss, Edward M. Cackett, Nahum Arav | Summary: We present the first results from the ongoing, intensive, multi-wavelength monitoring program of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 817. While this AGN was, in part, selected for its historically unobscured nature, we […]

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Adiabatic Construction of Hierarchical Quantum Hall States

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Martin Greiter, Frank Wilczek, , , | Summary: We propose an exact model of anyon ground states including higher Landau levels, and use it to obtain fractionally quantized Hall states at filling fractions $nu=p/(p(m-1)+1)$ with $m$ odd, from integer Hall states at $nu=p$ through adiabatic localization of […]

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Searching for a subpopulation of primordial black holes in LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave data

Kavli Affiliate: Salvatore Vitale | First 5 Authors: Gabriele Franciolini, Vishal Baibhav, Valerio De Luca, Ken K. Y. Ng, Kaze W. K. Wong | Summary: With several dozen binary black hole events detected by LIGO/Virgo to date and many more expected in the next few years, gravitational-wave astronomy is shifting from individual-event analyses to population […]

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Design Requirements for the Wide-field Infrared TransientExplorer (WINTER)

Kavli Affiliate: Gabor Furesz | First 5 Authors: Danielle Frostig, John W. Baker, Joshua Brown, Richard S. Burruss, Kristin Clark | Summary: The Wide-field Infrared Transient Explorer (WINTER) is a 1×1 degree infrared survey telescope under development at MIT and Caltech, and slated for commissioning at Palomar Observatory in 2021. WINTER is a seeing-limited infrared […]

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Design Requirements for the Wide-field Infrared TransientExplorer (WINTER)

Kavli Affiliate: Nathan P. Lourie | First 5 Authors: Danielle Frostig, John W. Baker, Joshua Brown, Richard S. Burruss, Kristin Clark | Summary: The Wide-field Infrared Transient Explorer (WINTER) is a 1×1 degree infrared survey telescope under development at MIT and Caltech, and slated for commissioning at Palomar Observatory in 2021. WINTER is a seeing-limited […]

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NICER observations of the black hole candidate MAXI J0637$-$430 during the 2019-2020 Outburst

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald A. Remillard | First 5 Authors: Arghajit Jana, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Sachindra Naik, Neeraj Kumari, Birendra Chhotaray | Summary: We present detailed timing and spectral studies of the black hole candidate MAXI J0637$-$430 during its 2019-2020 outburst using observations with the {em Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER)} and the {em Neil […]

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Via Machinae: Searching for Stellar Streams using Unsupervised Machine Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Lina Necib | First 5 Authors: David Shih, Matthew R. Buckley, Lina Necib, John Tamanas, | Summary: We develop a new machine learning algorithm, Via Machinae, to identify cold stellar streams in data from the Gaia telescope. Via Machinae is based on ANODE, a general method that uses conditional density estimation and sideband […]

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