TOI-1518b: A Misaligned Ultra-hot Jupiter with Iron in its Atmosphere

Kavli Affiliate: Edward H. Morgan | First 5 Authors: Samuel H. C. Cabot, Aaron Bello-Arufe, João M. Mendonça, René Tronsgaard, Ian Wong | Summary: We present the discovery of TOI-1518b — an ultra-hot Jupiter orbiting a bright star $V = 8.95$. The transiting planet is confirmed using high-resolution optical transmission spectra from EXPRES. It is […]

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Estimating the effective lifetime of the $zsim6$ quasar population from the composite proximity zone profile

Kavli Affiliate: Robert A. Simcoe | First 5 Authors: Karna A. Morey, Anna-Christina Eilers, Frederick B. Davies, Joseph F. Hennawi, Robert A. Simcoe | Summary: The lifetime of quasars can be estimated by means of their proximity zone sizes, which are regions of enhanced flux bluewards of the Lyman-$alpha$ emission line observed in the rest-frame […]

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A 20-Second Cadence View of Solar-Type Stars and Their Planets with TESS: Asteroseismology of Solar Analogs and a Re-characterization of pi Men c

Kavli Affiliate: Roland K. Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Daniel Huber, Timothy R. White, Travis S. Metcalfe, Ashley Chontos, Michael M. Fausnaugh | Summary: We present an analysis of the first 20-second cadence light curves obtained by the TESS space telescope during its extended mission. We find a precision improvement of 20-second data compared to […]

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Low levels of sulphur dioxide contamination of Venusian phosphine spectra

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: Jane S. Greaves, Paul B. Rimmer, Anita M. S. Richards, Janusz J. Petkowski, William Bains | Summary: New analysis is presented of the 1.1 mm wavelength absorption lines in Venus’ atmosphere that suggested the presence of phosphine. We retrieve a sulphur dioxide observation from the JCMT archive […]

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HERA Phase I Limits on the Cosmic 21-cm Signal: Constraints on Astrophysics and Cosmology During the Epoch of Reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Jacqueline Hewitt | First 5 Authors: The HERA Collaboration, Zara Abdurashidova, James E. Aguirre, Paul Alexander, Zaki Ali | Summary: Recently, the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) collaboration has produced the experiment’s first upper limits on the power spectrum of 21-cm fluctuations at z~8 and 10. Here, we use several independent theoretical […]

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A pair of warm giant planets near the 2:1 mean motion resonance around the K-dwarf star TOI-2202

Kavli Affiliate: Christopher J. Burke | First 5 Authors: Trifon Trifonov, Rafael Brahm, Nestor Espinoza, Thomas Henning, Andrés Jordán | Summary: TOI-2202 b is a transiting warm Jovian-mass planet with an orbital period of P=11.91 days identified from the Full Frame Images data of five different sectors of the TESS mission. Ten TESS transits of […]

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Probing the circumnuclear environment of NGC1275 with High-Resolution X-ray spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Erin A. Kara | First 5 Authors: Christopher S. Reynolds, Robyn N. Smith, Andrew C. Fabian, Yasushi Fukazawa, Erin A. Kara | Summary: NGC1275 is the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) in the Perseus cluster and hosts the active galactic nucleus (AGN) that is heating the central 100,kpc of the intracluster medium (ICM) atmosphere […]

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The Curious Case of ASASSN-20hx: A Slowly-Evolving, UV and X-ray Luminous, Ambiguous Nuclear Transient

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Jason T. Hinkle, Thomas W. -S. Holoien, Benjamin. J. Shappee, Jack M. M. Neustadt, Katie Auchettl | Summary: We present observations of ASASSN-20hx, a nearby ambiguous nuclear transient (ANT) discovered in NGC 6297 by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). We observed ASASSN-20hx from $-$30 to […]

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