Strong Lensing Science Collaboration input to the on-sky commissioning of the Vera Rubin Observatory

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. Schechter | First 5 Authors: Graham P. Smith, Timo Anguita, Simon Birrer, Paul L. Schechter, Aprajita Verma | Summary: We present the Strong Lensing Science Collaboration’s (SLSC) recommended observing targets for the science verification and science validation phases of commissioning. Our recommendations have been developed in collaboration with the Dark Energy […]

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Scintillation Timescales of Bright FRBs Detected by CHIME/FRB

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi Masui | First 5 Authors: Eve Schoen, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi Masui, Daniele Michilli, Pragya Chawla | Summary: We describe a pipeline to measure scintillation in fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected by CHIME/FRB in the 400-800 MHz band by analyzing the frequency structure of the FRB’s spectrum. We use the pipeline to measure […]

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3G R&D: R&D for the Next Generation of Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: David Shoemaker | First 5 Authors: David McClelland, Harald Lueck, Rana Adhikari, Masaki Ando, GariLynn Billingsley | Summary: To deliver on the promise of next generation gravitational-wave observatories, a sustained and coordinated detector research and development program is required. This report examines in detail the wide range of nearer- and longer-term detector R&D […]

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3G R&D: R&D for the Next Generation of Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: David Shoemaker | First 5 Authors: David McClelland, Harald Lueck, Rana Adhikari, Masaki Ando, GariLynn Billingsley | Summary: To deliver on the promise of next generation gravitational-wave observatories, a sustained and coordinated detector research and development program is required. This report examines in detail the wide range of nearer- and longer-term detector R&D […]

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3G R&D: R&D for the Next Generation of Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: David Shoemaker | First 5 Authors: David McClelland, Harald Lueck, Rana Adhikari, Masaki Ando, GariLynn Billingsley | Summary: To deliver on the promise of next generation gravitational-wave observatories, a sustained and coordinated detector research and development program is required. This report examines in detail the wide range of nearer- and longer-term detector R&D […]

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The Next Generation Global Gravitational Wave Observatory: The Science Book

Kavli Affiliate: David Shoemaker | First 5 Authors: Vicky Kalogera, B. S. Sathyaprakash, Matthew Bailes, Marie-Anne Bizouard, Alessandra Buonanno | Summary: The next generation of ground-based gravitational-wave detectors will observe coalescences of black holes and neutron stars throughout the cosmos, thousands of them with exceptional fidelity. The Science Book is the result of a 3-year […]

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The deepest $Chandra$ view of RBS 797: evidence for two pairs of equidistant X-ray cavities

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Francesco Ubertosi, Myriam Gitti, Fabrizio Brighenti, Gianfranco Brunetti, Michael McDonald | Summary: We present the first results of a deep $Chandra$ observation of the galaxy cluster RBS 797, whose previous X-ray studies revealed two pronounced X-ray cavities in the east-west (E-W) direction. Follow-up VLA radio observations of […]

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An Edge-On Orbit for the Eccentric Long-Period Planet HR 5183 b

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Alexander Venner, Logan A. Pearce, Andrew Vanderburg, , | Summary: The long-period giant planet HR 5183 b has one of the most extreme orbits among exoplanets known to date. In this work we use Hipparcos-Gaia astrometry to measure the orbital inclination of this planet for the first […]

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