Constraints on the production of phosphine by Venusian volcanoes

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: William Bains, Oliver Shorttle, Sukrit Ranjan, Paul B. Rimmer, Janusz J. Petkowski | Summary: The initial reports of the presence of phosphine in the cloud decks of Venus has led to the suggestion that volcanism was the source of phosphine, through volcanic phosphides ejected into the clouds. […]

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H-alpha emission in local galaxies: star formation, time variability and the diffuse ionized gas

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Sandro Tacchella, Aaron Smith, Rahul Kannan, Federico Marinacci, Lars Hernquist | Summary: The nebular recombination line H$alpha$ is widely used as a star-formation rate (SFR) indicator in the local and high-redshift Universe. We present a detailed H$alpha$ radiative transfer study of high-resolution isolated Milky-Way and Large Magellanic […]

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The physics of Lyman-alpha escape from disc-like galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Aaron Smith, Rahul Kannan, Sandro Tacchella, Mark Vogelsberger, Lars Hernquist | Summary: Hydrogen emission lines can provide extensive information about star-forming galaxies in both the local and high-redshift Universe. We present a detailed Lyman continuum (LyC), Lyman-alpha (Ly{alpha}), and Balmer line (H{alpha} and Hb{eta}) radiative transfer study […]

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Sources of systematic error in gravitational-wave measurements of the binary neutron star mass distribution

Kavli Affiliate: Salvatore Vitale | First 5 Authors: Sylvia Biscoveanu, Colm Talbot, Salvatore Vitale, , | Summary: The binary neutron star (BNS) mass distribution measured with gravitational-wave observations has the potential to reveal information about the dense matter equation of state, supernova physics, the expansion rate of the universe, and tests of General Relativity. As […]

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The effect of spin mismodeling on gravitational-wave measurements of the binary neutron star mass distribution

Kavli Affiliate: Salvatore Vitale | First 5 Authors: Sylvia Biscoveanu, Colm Talbot, Salvatore Vitale, , | Summary: The binary neutron star (BNS) mass distribution measured with gravitational-wave observations has the potential to reveal information about the dense matter equation of state, supernova physics, the expansion rate of the universe, and tests of General Relativity. As […]

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A NICER look at thermonuclear X-ray bursts from Aql X-1

Kavli Affiliate: Deepto Chakrabarty | First 5 Authors: Tolga Guver, Tugba Boztepe, David R. Ballantyne, Z. Funda Bostanci, Peter Bult | Summary: We present spectral and temporal properties of all the thermonuclear X-ray bursts observed from Aql X-1 by the Neutron Star Interior and Composition Explorer (NICER) between 2017 July and 2021 April. This is […]

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TIC 5724661: A Long-Period Binary with a Pulsating sdB Star and $δ$ Scuti Variable

Kavli Affiliate: George Ricker | First 5 Authors: Rahul Jayaraman, Saul Rappaport, Lorne Nelson, Donald W. Kurtz, George Dufresne | Summary: Using the novel TESS 20-sec cadence data, we have discovered an unusual combination of pulsating stars in what we infer to be a binary system. The primary is a standard $delta$ Scuti star with […]

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TOI-2109b: An Ultrahot Gas Giant on a 16 hr Orbit

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Ian Wong, Avi Shporer, George Zhou, Daniel Kitzmann, Thaddeus D. Komacek | Summary: We report the discovery of an ultrahot Jupiter with an extremely short orbital period of $0.67247414,pm,0.00000028$ days ($sim$16 hr). The $1.347 pm 0.047$ $R_{rm Jup}$ planet, initially identified by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey […]

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Strong Lensing Science Collaboration input to the on-sky commissioning of the Vera Rubin Observatory

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. Schechter | First 5 Authors: Graham P. Smith, Timo Anguita, Simon Birrer, Paul L. Schechter, Aprajita Verma | Summary: We present the Strong Lensing Science Collaboration’s (SLSC) recommended observing targets for the science verification and science validation phases of commissioning. Our recommendations have been developed in collaboration with the Dark Energy […]

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