TESS discovery of a sub-Neptune orbiting a mid-M dwarf TOI-2136

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Tianjun Gan, Abderahmane Soubkiou, Sharon X. Wang, Zouhair Benkhaldoun, Shude Mao | Summary: We present the discovery of TOI-2136b, a sub-Neptune planet transiting every 7.85 days a nearby M4.5V-type star, identified through photometric measurements from the TESS mission. The host star is located $33$ pc away with […]

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TOI-2119: A transiting brown dwarf orbiting an active M-dwarf from NASA’s TESS mission

Kavli Affiliate: Edward H. Morgan | First 5 Authors: Theron W. Carmichael, Jonathan M. Irwin, Felipe Murgas, Enric Pallé, Keivan G. Stassun | Summary: We report the discovery of TOI-2119b, a transiting brown dwarf (BD) that orbits and is completely eclipsed by an active M-dwarf star. Using light curve data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey […]

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TOI-2119: A transiting brown dwarf orbiting an active M-dwarf from NASA’s TESS mission

Kavli Affiliate: Edward H. Morgan | First 5 Authors: Theron W. Carmichael, Jonathan M. Irwin, Felipe Murgas, Enric Pallé, Keivan G. Stassun | Summary: We report the discovery of TOI-2119b, a transiting brown dwarf (BD) that orbits and is completely eclipsed by an active M-dwarf star. Using light curve data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey […]

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Observation and origin of non-thermal hard X-rays from Jupiter

Kavli Affiliate: Melania Nynka | First 5 Authors: Kaya Mori, Charles Hailey, Gabriel Bridges, Shifra Mandel, Amani Garvin | Summary: Electrons accelerated on Earth by a rich variety of wave scattering or stochastic processes generate hard non-thermal X-ray bremsstrahlung up to >~ 1 MeV and power Earth’s various types of aurorae. Although Jupiter’s magnetic field […]

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Observation and origin of non-thermal hard X-rays from Jupiter

Kavli Affiliate: Melania Nynka | First 5 Authors: Kaya Mori, Charles Hailey, Gabriel Bridges, Shifra Mandel, Amani Garvin | Summary: Electrons accelerated on Earth by a rich variety of wave scattering or stochastic processes generate hard non-thermal X-ray bremsstrahlung up to >~ 1 MeV and power Earth’s various types of aurorae. Although Jupiter’s magnetic field […]

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Reassessing the Evidence for Time Variability in the Atmosphere of the Exoplanet HAT-P-7 b

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Maura Lally, Andrew Vanderburg, , , | Summary: We reassess the claimed detection of variability in the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-7 b, reported by Armstrong et al. (2016). Although astronomers expect hot Jupiters to have changing atmospheres, variability is challenging to detect. We looked for […]

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Consistent and non-consistent deformations of gravitational theories

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Bogar Díaz, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, | Summary: We study the internally abelianized version of a range of gravitational theories, written in connection tetrad form, and study the possible interaction terms that can be added to them in a consistent […]

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Consistent and non-consistent deformations of gravitational theories

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Bogar Díaz, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, | Summary: We study the internally abelianized version of a range of gravitational theories, written in connection tetrad form, and study the possible interaction terms that can be added to them in a consistent […]

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On the robustness of the velocity anisotropy parameter in probing the stellar kinematics in Milky Way like galaxies: Take away from TNG50 simulation

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Razieh Emami, Lars Hernquist, Mark Vogelsberger, Xuejian Shen, Joshua S. Speagle | Summary: We analyze the velocity anisotropy of stars in real and energy space for a sample of Milky Way-like galaxies in the TNG50 simulation. We employ different selection criteria, including spatial, kinematic and metallicity cuts, […]

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