HST-Based Lens Model of the First Extragalactic JWST Science Target, SDSS J1226+2152, in Preparation for TEMPLATES

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Keren Sharon, Catherine Cerny, Jane R. Rigby, Michael K. Florian, Matthew B. Bayliss | Summary: SDSS J1226+2152 is the first extragalactic science target to be observed by JWST. The strongly lensed z=2.9233 Lyman break galaxy, SGAS J122651.3+215220, lensed by a cluster at z=0.4358, was targeted as […]

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HST-Based Lens Model of SDSS J1226+2152, in Preparation for JWST-ERS TEMPLATES

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Keren Sharon, Catherine Cerny, Jane R. Rigby, Michael K. Florian, Matthew B. Bayliss | Summary: The strongly lensed z=2.9233 Lyman break galaxy, SGAS J122651.3+215220, lensed by a cluster at z=0.4358, was first targeted by JWST as part of the JWST-ERS program TEMPLATES: Targeting Extremely Magnified Panchromatic […]

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Modeling the Lyman-$α$ forest with Eulerian and SPH hydrodynamical methods

Kavli Affiliate: Salman Habib | First 5 Authors: Solène Chabanier, J. D. Emberson, Zarija Lukić, Jesus Pulido, Salman Habib | Summary: We compare two state-of-the-art numerical codes to study the overall accuracy in modeling the intergalactic medium and reproducing Lyman-$alpha$ forest observables for DESI and high-resolution data sets. The codes employ different approaches to solving […]

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Cross-Section Continuity of Definitions of Angular Momentum

Kavli Affiliate: Robert M. Wald | First 5 Authors: Po-Ning Chen, Daniel Paraizo, Robert M. Wald, Mu-Tao Wang, Ye-Kai Wang | Summary: We introduce a notion of "cross-section continuity" as a criterion for the viability of definitions of angular momentum, $J$, at null infinity: If a sequence of cross-sections, ${mathcal C}_n$, of null infinity converges […]

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Chemical Abundances of the Typhon Stellar Stream

Kavli Affiliate: Alexander P. Ji | First 5 Authors: Alexander P. Ji, Rohan P. Naidu, Kaley Brauer, Yuan-Sen Ting, Joshua D. Simon | Summary: We present the first high-resolution chemical abundances of seven stars in the recently discovered high-energy dwarf galaxy stream Typhon. Typhon stars have apocenters reaching to ${gtrsim}100$ kpc, making this the first […]

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A Kubernetes ‘Bridge’ operator between cloud and external resources

Kavli Affiliate: Elise Jennings | First 5 Authors: Boris Lublinsky, Elise Jennings, Viktória Spišaková, , | Summary: Many scientific workflows require dedicated compute resources, including HPC clusters with optimized software, quantum resources, and dedicated hardware cluster systems like Ray, for example. At the same time, many scientific workflows today are built on Kubernetes leveraging growing […]

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The LCO Outbursting Objects Key Project: Overview and Year 1 Status

Kavli Affiliate: Geza Gyuk | First 5 Authors: Tim Lister, Michael S. P. Kelley, Carrie E. Holt, Henry H. Hsieh, Michele T. Bannister | Summary: The LCO Outbursting Objects Key (LOOK) Project uses the telescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) Network to: (1) to systematically monitor a sample of Dynamically New Comets over the […]

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Sequential Flows by Irrelevant Operators

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Christian Ferko, Savdeep Sethi, , , | Summary: We explore whether one can $T overline{T}$ deform a collection of theories that are already $T overline{T}$-deformed. This allows us to define classes of irrelevant deformations that know about subsystems. In some basic cases, we explore the spectrum that […]

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Cosmological Magnetic Fields from Primordial Kerr-Newman Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Dan Hooper, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, , | Summary: The origin of our universe’s cosmological magnetic fields remains a mystery. In this study, we consider whether these magnetic fields could have been generated in the early universe by a population of charged, spinning primordial black holes. To […]

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Revealing the nature of a Lyman-$α$ halo in a strongly-lensed interacting system at $z=2.92$

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Gladders | First 5 Authors: Manuel Solimano, Jorge González-López, Manuel Aravena, Evelyn Johnston, Cristóbal Moya-Sierralta | Summary: Spatially extended halos of Lyman Alpha (Ly$alpha$) emission are now ubiquitously found around high-redshift star-forming galaxies. But our understanding of the nature and powering mechanisms of these halos is still hampered by the complex radiative […]

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