Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Decoding of Generalized LDPC Codes

Kavli Affiliate: Salman Habib | First 5 Authors: Salman Habib, David G. M. Mitchell, , , | Summary: In this work, we propose reinforcement learning (RL) for sequential decoding of moderate length generalized low-density parity-check (GLDPC) codes. Here, sequential decoding refers to scheduling all the generalized constraint nodes (GCNs) and single parity-check nodes (SPCNs) of […]

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Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Decoding of Generalized LDPC Codes

Kavli Affiliate: Salman Habib | First 5 Authors: Salman Habib, David G. M. Mitchell, , , | Summary: In this work, we propose reinforcement learning (RL) for sequential decoding of moderate length generalized low-density parity-check (GLDPC) codes. Here, sequential decoding refers to scheduling all the generalized constraint nodes (GCNs) and single parity-check nodes (SPCNs) of […]

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Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic Strings on a Circle

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Bernardo Fraiman, Mariana Graña, Héctor Parra De Freitas, Savdeep Sethi, | Summary: Motivated by a recent construction of non-supersymmetric $text{AdS}_3$, we revisit the $O(16)times O(16)$ heterotic string compactified on a torus. The string one-loop potential energy has interesting dependence on the classical moduli; extrema of this potential […]

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Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic Strings on a Circle

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Bernardo Fraiman, Mariana Graña, Héctor Parra De Freitas, Savdeep Sethi, | Summary: Motivated by a recent construction of non-supersymmetric $text{AdS}_3$, we revisit the $O(16)times O(16)$ heterotic string compactified on a torus. The string one-loop potential energy has interesting dependence on the classical moduli; extrema of this potential […]

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Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic Strings on a Circle

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Bernardo Fraiman, Mariana Graña, Héctor Parra De Freitas, Savdeep Sethi, | Summary: Motivated by a recent construction of non-supersymmetric $text{AdS}_3$, we revisit the $O(16)times O(16)$ heterotic string compactified on a torus. The string one-loop potential energy has interesting dependence on the classical moduli; extrema of this potential […]

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Non-Supersymmetric Heterotic Strings on a Circle

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Bernardo Fraiman, Mariana Graña, Héctor Parra De Freitas, Savdeep Sethi, | Summary: Motivated by a recent construction of non-supersymmetric $text{AdS}_3$, we revisit the $O(16)times O(16)$ heterotic string compactified on a torus. The string one-loop potential energy has interesting dependence on the classical moduli; extrema of this potential […]

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Freeform three-mirror anastigmatic large-aperture telescope and receiver optics for CMB-S4

Kavli Affiliate: John Carlstrom | First 5 Authors: Patricio A. Gallardo, Roberto Puddu, Kathleen Harrington, Bradford Benson, John Carlstrom | Summary: CMB-S4, the next-generation ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) observatory, will provide detailed maps of the CMB at millimeter wavelengths to dramatically advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe. CMB-S4 will […]

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Freeform three-mirror anastigmatic large-aperture telescope and receiver optics for CMB-S4

Kavli Affiliate: John Carlstrom | First 5 Authors: Patricio A. Gallardo, Roberto Puddu, Kathleen Harrington, Bradford Benson, John Carlstrom | Summary: CMB-S4, the next-generation ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) observatory, will provide detailed maps of the CMB at millimeter wavelengths to dramatically advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe. CMB-S4 will […]

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Freeform three-mirror anastigmatic large-aperture telescope and receiver optics for CMB-S4

Kavli Affiliate: Bradford Benson | First 5 Authors: Patricio A. Gallardo, Roberto Puddu, Kathleen Harrington, Bradford Benson, John Carlstrom | Summary: CMB-S4, the next-generation ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) observatory, will provide detailed maps of the CMB at millimeter wavelengths to dramatically advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe. CMB-S4 will […]

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Freeform three-mirror anastigmatic large-aperture telescope and receiver optics for CMB-S4

Kavli Affiliate: Bradford Benson | First 5 Authors: Patricio A. Gallardo, Roberto Puddu, Kathleen Harrington, Bradford Benson, John Carlstrom | Summary: CMB-S4, the next-generation ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) observatory, will provide detailed maps of the CMB at millimeter wavelengths to dramatically advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe. CMB-S4 will […]

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