Ion-beam Assisted Sputtering of Titanium Nitride Thin Films

Kavli Affiliate: Clarence Chang | First 5 Authors: Timothy Draher, Tomas Polakovic, Juliang Li, Yi Li, Ulrich Welp | Summary: Titanium nitride is a material of interest for many superconducting devices such as nanowire microwave resonators and photon detectors. Thus, controlling the growth of TiN thin films with desirable properties is of high importance. In […]

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Ion-beam Assisted Sputtering of Titanium Nitride Thin Films

Kavli Affiliate: Clarence Chang | First 5 Authors: Timothy Draher, Tomas Polakovic, Juliang Li, Yi Li, Ulrich Welp | Summary: Titanium nitride is a material of interest for many superconducting devices such as nanowire microwave resonators and photon detectors. Thus, controlling the growth of TiN thin films with desirable properties is of high importance. In […]

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The connection between galactic outflows and the escape of ionizing photons

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Ramesh Mainali, Jane R. Rigby, John Chisholm, Matthew Bayliss, Rongmon Bordoloi | Summary: We analyze spectra of a gravitationally lensed galaxy, known as the Sunburst Arc, that is leaking ionizing photons, also known as the Lyman continuum (LyC). Magnification from gravitational lensing permits the galaxy to […]

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Breaking Bad Degeneracies with Love: Improving gravitational-wave measurements through universal relations

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel E. Holz | First 5 Authors: Yiqi Xie, Deep Chatterjee, Gilbert Holder, Daniel E. Holz, Scott Perkins | Summary: The distance-inclination degeneracy limits gravitational-wave parameter estimation of compact binary mergers. Although the degeneracy can be partially broken by including higher-order modes or precession, these effects are suppressed in binary neutron stars. In […]

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Using Host Galaxy Photometric Redshifts to Improve Cosmological Constraints with Type Ia Supernova in the LSST Era

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Kessler | First 5 Authors: Ayan Mitra, Richard Kessler, Surhud More, Renee Hlozek, | Summary: We perform a rigorous cosmology analysis on simulated type Ia supernovae (SN~Ia) and evaluate the improvement from including photometric host-galaxy redshifts compared to using only the "zspec" subset with spectroscopic redshifts from the host or SN. We […]

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Using Host Galaxy Photometric Redshifts to Improve Cosmological Constraints with Type Ia Supernova in the LSST Era

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Kessler | First 5 Authors: Ayan Mitra, Richard Kessler, Surhud More, Renee Hlozek, The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration | Summary: We perform a rigorous cosmology analysis on simulated type Ia supernovae (SN~Ia) and evaluate the improvement from including photometric host-galaxy redshifts compared to using only the "zspec" subset with spectroscopic redshifts […]

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Freezing In Vector Dark Matter Through Magnetic Dipole Interactions

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Gordan Krnjaic, Duncan Rocha, Anastasia Sokolenko, , | Summary: We study a simple model of vector dark matter that couples to Standard Model particles via magnetic dipole interactions. In this scenario, the cosmological abundance arises through the freeze-in mechanism and depends on the dipole coupling, the vector […]

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A Fast Transient Backend to Detect FRBs with the Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array

Kavli Affiliate: Albert Stebbins | First 5 Authors: Zijie Yu, Furen Deng, Shijie Sun, Chenhui Niu, Jixia Li | Summary: The Tianlai Dish Pathfinder array is a radio interferometer array consisting of 16 six meter dish antennas. The original digital backend integration time is at the seconds level, designed for HI intensity mapping experiment. A […]

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TF1 Snowmass Report: Quantum gravity, string theory, and black holes

Kavli Affiliate: Emil Martinec | First 5 Authors: Daniel Harlow, Shamit Kachru, Juan Maldacena, Ibou Bah, Mike Blake | Summary: We give an overview of the field of quantum gravity, string theory and black holes summarizing various white papers in this subject that were submitted as part of the Snowmass process. | Search Query: ArXiv […]

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A Roadmap For Scientific Ballooning 2020-2030

Kavli Affiliate: Abigail Vieregg | First 5 Authors: Peter Gorham, James Anderson, Pietro Bernasconi, Supriya Chakrabarti, T. Gregory Guzik | Summary: From 2018 to 2020, the Scientific Balloon Roadmap Program Analysis Group (Balloon Roadmap PAG) served as an community-based, interdisciplinary forum for soliciting and coordinating community analysis and input in support of the NASA Scientific […]

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