Two of a Kind: Comparing big and small black holes in binaries with gravitational waves

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel E. Holz | First 5 Authors: Amanda M. Farah, Maya Fishbach, Daniel E. Holz, , | Summary: When modeling the population of merging binary black holes, analyses have generally focused on characterizing the distribution of primary (i.e. more massive) black holes in the binary, while simplistic prescriptions are used for the distribution […]

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The Cepheid Extragalactic Distance Scale: Past, Present and Future

Kavli Affiliate: Wendy L. Freedman | First 5 Authors: Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, , , | Summary: Cepheids have been the cornerstone of the extragalactic distance scale for a century. With high-quality data, these luminous supergiants exhibit a small dispersion in their Leavitt (period-luminosity) relation, particularly at longer wavelengths, and few methods rival […]

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Carnegie Supernova Project-I and -II: Measurements of $H_0$ using Cepheid, TRGB, and SBF Distance Calibration to Type Ia Supernovae

Kavli Affiliate: Wendy L. Freedman | First 5 Authors: Syed A. Uddin, Christopher R. Burns, Mark M. Phillips, Nicholas B. Suntzeff, Wendy L. Freedman | Summary: We present an analysis of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe~Ia) from both the Carnegie Supernova Project~I (CSP-I) and II (CSP-II), and extend the Hubble diagram from the optical to the […]

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Carnegie Supernova Project-I and -II: Measurements of $H_0$ using Cepheid, TRGB, and SBF Distance Calibration to Type Ia Supernovae

Kavli Affiliate: Wendy L. Freedman | First 5 Authors: Syed A. Uddin, Christopher R. Burns, Mark M. Phillips, Nicholas B. Suntzeff, Wendy L. Freedman | Summary: We present an analysis of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe~Ia) from both the Carnegie Supernova Project~I (CSP-I) and II (CSP-II), and extend the Hubble diagram from the optical to the […]

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Supermassive Primordial Black Holes From Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic, Albert Stebbins | First 5 Authors: Dan Hooper, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Albert Stebbins, | Summary: There is controversy surrounding the origin and evolution of our universe’s largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs). In this study, we consider the possibility that some of these black holes formed from the direct collapse of […]

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Supermassive Primordial Black Holes From Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Albert Stebbins | First 5 Authors: Dan Hooper, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Albert Stebbins, | Summary: There is controversy surrounding the origin and evolution of our universe’s largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs). In this study, we consider the possibility that some of these black holes formed from the direct collapse of primordial density […]

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Supermassive Primordial Black Holes From Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Albert Stebbins | First 5 Authors: Dan Hooper, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Albert Stebbins, | Summary: There is controversy surrounding the origin and evolution of our universe’s largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs). In this study, we consider the possibility that some of these black holes formed from the direct collapse of primordial density […]

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Supermassive Primordial Black Holes From Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Dan Hooper, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Albert Stebbins, | Summary: There is controversy surrounding the origin and evolution of our universe’s largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs). In this study, we consider the possibility that some of these black holes formed from the direct collapse of primordial density […]

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Supermassive Primordial Black Holes From Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Dan Hooper, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Albert Stebbins, | Summary: There is controversy surrounding the origin and evolution of our universe’s largest supermassive black holes (SMBHs). In this study, we consider the possibility that some of these black holes formed from the direct collapse of primordial density […]

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Explainable Equivariant Neural Networks for Particle Physics: PELICAN

Kavli Affiliate: David W. Miller | First 5 Authors: Alexander Bogatskiy, Timothy Hoffman, David W. Miller, Jan T. Offermann, Xiaoyang Liu | Summary: PELICAN is a novel permutation equivariant and Lorentz invariant or covariant aggregator network designed to overcome common limitations found in architectures applied to particle physics problems. Compared to many approaches that use […]

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