SPY: A Magnet System for a High-pressure Gaseous TPC Neutrino Detector

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Andrea Bersani, Alan D. Bross, Michael Crisler, Stefania Farinon, Christopher Hayes | Summary: We present a novel conceptual design for a magnet system that provides the magnetic field necessary for the analysis of tracks in a high-pressure gaseous argon TPC while simultaneously serving as a pressure vessel […]

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SPY: A Magnet System for a High-pressure Gaseous TPC Neutrino Detector

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Andrea Bersani, Alan D. Bross, Michael Crisler, Stefania Farinon, Christopher Hayes | Summary: We present a novel conceptual design for a magnet system that provides the magnetic field necessary for the analysis of tracks in a high-pressure gaseous argon TPC while simultaneously serving as a pressure vessel […]

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SPY: A Magnet System for a High-pressure Gaseous TPC Neutrino Detector

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Andrea Bersani, Alan D. Bross, Michael Crisler, Stefania Farinon, Christopher Hayes | Summary: We present a novel conceptual design for a magnet system that provides the magnetic field necessary for the analysis of tracks in a high-pressure gaseous argon TPC while simultaneously serving as a pressure vessel […]

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Neural Network Based Approach to Recognition of Meteor Tracks in the Mini-EUSO Telescope Data

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Olinto | First 5 Authors: Mikhail Zotov, Dmitry Anzhiganov, Aleksandr Kryazhenkov, Dario Barghini, Matteo Battisti | Summary: Mini-EUSO is a wide-angle fluorescence telescope that registers ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the nocturnal atmosphere of Earth from the International Space Station. Meteors are among multiple phenomena that manifest themselves not only in the visible […]

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New $μ$ Forces From $ν_μ$ Sources

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Cari Cesarotti, Yonatan Kahn, Gordan Krnjaic, Duncan Rocha, Joshua Spitz | Summary: Accelerator-based experiments reliant on charged pion and kaon decays to produce muon-neutrino beams also deliver an associated powerful flux of muons. Therefore, these experiments can additionally be sensitive to light new particles that preferentially couple […]

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Project Dinos I: A joint lensing-dynamics constraint on the deviation from the power law in the mass profile of massive ellipticals

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman | First 5 Authors: Chin Yi Tan, Anowar J. Shajib, Simon Birrer, Alessandro Sonnenfeld, Tommaso Treu | Summary: The mass distribution in massive elliptical galaxies encodes their evolutionary history, thus providing an avenue to constrain the baryonic astrophysics in their evolution. The power-law assumption for the radial mass profile in ellipticals […]

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Project Dinos I: A joint lensing-dynamics constraint on the deviation from the power law in the mass profile of massive ellipticals

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman | First 5 Authors: Chin Yi Tan, Anowar J. Shajib, Simon Birrer, Alessandro Sonnenfeld, Tommaso Treu | Summary: The mass distribution in massive elliptical galaxies encodes their evolutionary history, thus providing an avenue to constrain the baryonic astrophysics in their evolution. The power-law assumption for the radial mass profile in ellipticals […]

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BPS Fivebrane Stars II: Fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Emil J. Martinec | First 5 Authors: Emil J. Martinec, Yoav Zigdon, , , | Summary: We investigate quantum fluctuations of metric components in coherent 1/2-BPS bound states of $n_1$ fundamental strings and $n_5$ NS5-branes. The leading order contribution in an expansion in $1/(n_1n_5)$ is calculated via a combination of analytical and numerical […]

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BPS Fivebrane Stars II: Fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Emil J. Martinec | First 5 Authors: Emil J. Martinec, Yoav Zigdon, , , | Summary: We investigate quantum fluctuations of metric components in coherent 1/2-BPS bound states of $n_1$ fundamental strings and $n_5$ NS5-branes. The leading order contribution in an expansion in $1/(n_1n_5)$ is calculated via a combination of analytical and numerical […]

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BPS Fivebrane Stars I: Expectation Values of Observables

Kavli Affiliate: Emil J. Martinec | First 5 Authors: Emil J. Martinec, Yoav Zigdon, , , | Summary: We study ensembles of 1/2-BPS bound states of fundamental strings and NS-fivebranes (NS5-F1 states) in the AdS decoupling limit. We revisit a solution corresponding to an ensemble average of these bound states, and find that the appropriate […]

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