A New Probe of Gravitational Parity Violation Through (Non-)Observation of the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Holz | First 5 Authors: Thomas Callister, Leah Jenks, Daniel Holz, Nicolás Yunes, | Summary: Parity violation in the gravitational sector is a prediction of many theories beyond general relativity. In the propagation of gravitational waves, parity violation manifests by inducing amplitude and/or velocity birefringence between right- and left-circularly polarized modes. We […]

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JWST Early Release Science Program TEMPLATES: Targeting Extremely Magnified Panchromatic Lensed Arcs and their Extended Star formation

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Jane R. Rigby, Joaquin D. Vieira, Kedar A. Phadke, Taylor A. Hutchison, Brian Welch | Summary: This paper gives an overview of TEMPLATES, a JWST Early Release Science program that targeted four extremely bright, gravitationally lensed galaxies: two extremely dusty, two with low attenuation, as templates […]

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DeepSurveySim: Simulation Software and Benchmark Challenges for Astronomical Observation Scheduling

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Nord | First 5 Authors: Maggie Voetberg, Brian Nord, , , | Summary: Modern astronomical surveys have multiple competing scientific goals. Optimizing the observation schedule for these goals presents significant computational and theoretical challenges, and state-of-the-art methods rely on expensive human inspection of simulated telescope schedules. Automated methods, such as reinforcement learning, […]

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Cosmological gravitational particle production and its implications for cosmological relics

Kavli Affiliate: Edward W. Kolb | First 5 Authors: Edward W. Kolb, Andrew J. Long, , , | Summary: Cosmological gravitational particle production (CGPP) is the creation of particles in an expanding universe due solely to their gravitational interaction. These particles can play an important role in the cosmic history through their connection to various […]

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Cosmological gravitational particle production and its implications for cosmological relics

Kavli Affiliate: Edward W. Kolb | First 5 Authors: Edward W. Kolb, Andrew J. Long, , , | Summary: Cosmological gravitational particle production (CGPP) is the creation of particles in an expanding universe due solely to their gravitational interaction. These particles can play an important role in the cosmic history through their connection to various […]

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“Beads on a String” Star Formation Tied to one of the most Powerful AGN Outbursts Observed in a Cool Core Galaxy Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Osase Omoruyi, Grant R. Tremblay, Francoise Combes, Timothy A. Davis, Michael D. Gladders | Summary: With two central galaxies engaged in a major merger and a remarkable chain of 19 young stellar superclusters wound around them in projection, the galaxy cluster SDSS J1531+3414 ($z=0.335$) offers an […]

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Kinematic Flow and the Emergence of Time

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Daniel Baumann, Aaron Hillman, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee | Summary: Perhaps the most basic question we can ask about cosmological correlations is how their strength changes as we smoothly vary kinematic parameters. The answer is encoded in differential equations that govern this evolution in kinematic […]

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Differential Equations for Cosmological Correlators

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Daniel Baumann, Aaron Hillman, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee | Summary: Cosmological fluctuations retain a memory of the physics that generated them in their spatial correlations. The strength of correlations varies smoothly as a function of external kinematics, which is encoded in differential equations satisfied by […]

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Differential Equations for Cosmological Correlators

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Daniel Baumann, Aaron Hillman, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee | Summary: Cosmological fluctuations retain a memory of the physics that generated them in their spatial correlations. The strength of correlations varies smoothly as a function of external kinematics, which is encoded in differential equations satisfied by […]

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Inferring host galaxy properties of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA’s black holes

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel E. Holz | First 5 Authors: Aditya Vijaykumar, Maya Fishbach, Susmita Adhikari, Daniel E. Holz, | Summary: Observations of gravitational waves from binary black hole (BBH) mergers have measured the redshift evolution of the BBH merger rate. The number density of galaxies in the Universe evolves differently with redshift based on their […]

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