The JADES Transient Survey: Discovery and Classification of Supernovae in the JADES Deep Field

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Christa DeCoursey, Eiichi Egami, Justin D. R. Pierel, Fengwu Sun, Armin Rest | Summary: The JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) is a multi-cycle JWST program that has taken among the deepest near-/mid-infrared images to date (down to $sim$30 ABmag) over $sim$25 arcmin$^2$ in the GOODS-S field […]

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Gravitational-wave data analysis with high-precision numerical relativity simulations of boson star mergers

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Sperhake | First 5 Authors: Tamara Evstafyeva, Ulrich Sperhake, Isobel Romero-Shaw, Michalis Agathos, | Summary: Gravitational-wave signals detected to date are commonly interpreted under the paradigm that they originate from pairs of black holes or neutron stars. Here, we explore the alternative scenario of boson-star signals being present in the data stream. […]

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Gravitational-Wave Data Analysis with High-Precision Numerical Relativity Simulations of Boson Star mergers

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Sperhake | First 5 Authors: Tamara Evstafyeva, Ulrich Sperhake, Isobel Romero-Shaw, Michalis Agathos, | Summary: Gravitational-wave signals detected to date are commonly interpreted under the paradigm that they originate from pairs of black holes or neutron stars. Here, we explore the alternative scenario of boson-star signals being present in the data stream. […]

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The First Billion Years, According to JWST

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Angela Adamo, Hakim Atek, Micaela B. Bagley, Eduardo Bañados, Kirk S. S. Barrow | Summary: With stunning clarity, JWST has revealed the Universe’s first billion years. The scientific community is analyzing a wealth of JWST imaging and spectroscopic data from that era, and is in the process […]

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Net-zero gas inflow: deconstructing the gas consumption history of a massive quiescent galaxy with JWST and ALMA

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Jan Scholtz, Francesco D’Eugenio, Roberto Maiolino, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Chiara Circosta | Summary: JWST is discovering increasing numbers of quiescent galaxies 1–2 billion years after the Big Bang, whose redshift, high mass, and old stellar ages indicate that their formation and quenching were surprisingly rapid. This fast-paced […]

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Photometric detection at $7.7 μmathrm{m}$ of a galaxy beyond redshift $14$ with JWST/MIRI

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Jakob M. Helton, George H. Rieke, Stacey Alberts, Zihao Wu, Daniel J. Eisenstein | Summary: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has spectroscopically confirmed numerous galaxies at $z > 10$. While weak rest-ultraviolet emission lines have only been seen in a handful of sources, the stronger rest-optical […]

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The density-bounded twilight of starbursts in the early Universe

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: William McClymont, Sandro Tacchella, Francesco D’Eugenio, Callum Witten, Xihan Ji | Summary: The peculiar nebular emission displayed by galaxies in the early Universe presents a unique opportunity to gain insight into the regulation of star formation in extreme environments. We investigate 500 (109) galaxies with deep NIRSpec/PRISM […]

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GA-NIFS: Witnessing the complex assembly of a massive star-forming system at $z=5.7$

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Gareth C. Jones, Andrew J. Bunker, Kseniia Telikova, Santiago Arribas, Stefano Carniani | Summary: We present observations of the $zsim5.7$ Lyman-break galaxy HZ10 with the JWST/NIRSpec IFU in high and low spectral resolution (G395H, $Rsim2700$ and PRISM, $Rsim100$, respectively), as part of the GA-NIFS program. By spatially […]

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JADES — The small blue bump in GN-z11: insights into the nuclear region of a galaxy at z=10.6

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Xihan Ji, Roberto Maiolino, Gary Ferland, Francesco D’Eugenio, Rachana Bhatawdekar | Summary: We report the detection of continuum excess in the rest-frame UV between 3000 {AA} and 3550 {AA} in the JWST/NIRSpec spectrum of GN-z11, a galaxy hosting an active galactic nucleus (AGN) at z = 10.603. […]

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Feedback mechanisms stopping the star formation in a pair of massive galaxies in the early Universe

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Pablo G. Pérez-González, Francesco D`Eugenio, Bruno Rodríguez del Pino, Hannah Übler, Roberto Maiolino | Summary: Feedback is the key physical mechanism regulating galaxy formation. Stars in galaxies form when baryons radiatively cool down and fall into gravitational wells. Eventually, star formation quenches as gas is depleted and/or […]

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