Cross-correlating the patchy screening and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects as a new probe of reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Blake Sherwin | First 5 Authors: Darby Kramer, Alexander van Engelen, Christopher Cain, Niall MacCrann, Hy Trac | Summary: The kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (kSZ) and patchy screening effect are two complementary cosmic microwave background (CMB) probes of the reionization era. The kSZ effect is a relatively strong signal, but is difficult to disentangle […]

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Cross-correlating the patchy screening and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects as a new probe of reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Blake Sherwin | First 5 Authors: Darby Kramer, Alexander van Engelen, Christopher Cain, Niall MacCrann, Hy Trac | Summary: The kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (kSZ) and patchy screening effect are two complementary cosmic microwave background (CMB) probes of the reionization era. The kSZ effect is a relatively strong signal, but is difficult to disentangle […]

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Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry: Summary of the Second Workshop

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Haehnelt | First 5 Authors: Adam Abdalla, Mahiro Abe, Sven Abend, Mouine Abidi, Monika Aidelsburger | Summary: This summary of the second Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry (TVLBAI) Workshop provides a comprehensive overview of our meeting held in London in April 2024, building on the initial discussions during the inaugural workshop held at […]

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Episodic super-Eddington accretion as a clue to Overmassive Black Holes in the early Universe

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Alessandro Trinca, Rosa Valiante, Raffaella Schneider, Ignas Juodžbalis, Roberto Maiolino | Summary: Early JWST observations are providing growing evidence for a ubiquitous population of accreting supermassive black holes (BHs) at high redshift, many of which appear overmassive compared to the empirically-derived local scaling relation between black hole […]

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Filtering in CMB data analysis with application to ACT DR4 and Planck

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Challinor | First 5 Authors: Erik Rosenberg, Steven Gratton, Anthony Challinor, , | Summary: Motivated by observed discrepancies between ACT DR4 and Planck 2018 cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy power spectra, particularly in the cross-correlation of temperature and E-mode polarization, we investigate challenges that may be encountered in the comparison of satellite […]

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Extended red wings and the visibility of reionization-epoch Lyman-$α$ emitters

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Yuxuan Yuan, Sergio Martin-Alvarez, Martin G. Haehnelt, Thibault Garel, Laura Keating | Summary: The visibility of the Lyman-$alpha$ (Ly$alpha$) emission from reionization-epoch galaxies depends sensitively on the extent of the intrinsic lya emission redwards of 1215.67~AA. The prominent red peak resulting from resonant radiative transfer in the […]

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Bayesian data analysis for sky-averaged 21-cm experiments with contamination from linearly polarised foreground

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Emma Shen, Dominic Anstey, Marta Spinelli, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Anastasia Fialkov | Summary: The precise measurement of the sky-averaged HI absorption signal between 50 and 200 MHz is the primary goal of global 21-cm cosmology. This measurement has the potential to unravel the underlying physics of […]

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The Multimodal Universe: Enabling Large-Scale Machine Learning with 100TB of Astronomical Scientific Data

Kavli Affiliate: Kaisey Mandel | First 5 Authors: The Multimodal Universe Collaboration, Jeroen Audenaert, Micah Bowles, Benjamin M. Boyd, David Chemaly | Summary: We present the MULTIMODAL UNIVERSE, a large-scale multimodal dataset of scientific astronomical data, compiled specifically to facilitate machine learning research. Overall, the MULTIMODAL UNIVERSE contains hundreds of millions of astronomical observations, constituting […]

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Uncovering the Effects of Array Mutual Coupling in 21-cm Experiments with the SKA-Low Radio Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Oscar S. D. O’Hara, Quentin Gueuning, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Fred Dulwich, John Cumner | Summary: We investigate the impact of Mutual Coupling (MC) between antennas on the time-delay power spectrum response of the core of the SKA-Low radio telescope. Using two in-house tools – Fast Array […]

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Uncovering the Effects of Array Mutual Coupling in 21-cm Experiments with the SKA-Low Radio Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Oscar S. D. O’Hara, Quentin Gueuning, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Fred Dulwich, John Cumner | Summary: We investigate the impact of Mutual Coupling (MC) between antennas on the time-delay power spectrum response of the core of the SKA-Low radio telescope. Using two in-house tools – Fast Array […]

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