Population synthesis of Be X-ray binaries: metallicity dependence of total X-ray outputs

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Boyuan Liu, Nina S. Sartorio, Robert G. Izzard, Anastasia Fialkov, | Summary: X-ray binaries (XRBs) are thought to regulate cosmic thermal and ionisation histories during the Epoch of Reionisation and Cosmic Dawn ($zsim 5-30$). Theoretical predictions of the X-ray emission from XRBs are important for modeling such […]

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Population synthesis of Be X-ray binaries: metallicity dependence of total X-ray outputs

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Boyuan Liu, Nina S. Sartorio, Robert G. Izzard, Anastasia Fialkov, | Summary: X-ray binaries (XRBs) are thought to regulate cosmic thermal and ionization histories during the Epoch of Reionization and Cosmic Dawn ($zsim 5-30$).Theoretical predictions of the X-ray emission from XRBs are important for modelling such early […]

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JADES. The diverse population of infant Black Holes at 4<z<11: merging, tiny, poor, but mighty

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Roberto Maiolino, Jan Scholtz, Emma Curtis-Lake, Stefano Carniani, William Baker | Summary: We present 12 new AGN at 4<z<7 in the JADES survey (in addition to the previously identified AGN in GN-z11 at z=10.6) revealed through the detection of a Broad Line Region as seen in the […]

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JADES. The diverse population of infant Black Holes at 4<z<11: merging, tiny, poor, but mighty

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Roberto Maiolino, Jan Scholtz, Emma Curtis-Lake, Stefano Carniani, William Baker | Summary: We present 12 new AGN at 4<z<7 in the JADES survey (in addition to the previously identified AGN in GN-z11 at z=10.6) revealed through the detection of a Broad Line Region as seen in Halpha. […]

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JADES. The diverse population of infant Black Holes at 4<z<11: merging, tiny, poor, but mighty

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Roberto Maiolino, Jan Scholtz, Emma Curtis-Lake, Stefano Carniani, William Baker | Summary: We present 12 new AGN at 4<z<7 in the JADES survey (in addition to the previously identified AGN in GN-z11 at z=10.6) revealed through the detection of a Broad Line Region as seen in Halpha. […]

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Flat-sky Angular Power Spectra Revisited

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Challinor | First 5 Authors: Zucheng Gao, Zvonimir Vlah, Anthony Challinor, , | Summary: We revisit the flat-sky approximation for evaluating the angular power spectra of projected random fields by retaining information about the correlations along the line of sight. With broad, overlapping radial window functions, these line-of-sight correlations are suppressed and […]

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The impact of cosmic rays on the interstellar medium and galactic outflows of Milky Way analogues

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Francisco Rodríguez Montero, Sergio Martin-Alvarez, Adrianne Slyz, Julien Devriendt, Yohan Dubois | Summary: During the last decade, cosmological simulations have managed to reproduce realistic and morphologically diverse galaxies, spanning the Hubble sequence. Central to this success was a phenomenological calibration of the few included feedback processes, whilst […]

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JADES: deep spectroscopy of a low-mass galaxy at redshift 2.3 quenched by environment

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Lester Sandles, Francesco D’Eugenio, Jakob M. Helton, Roberto Maiolino, Kevin Hainline | Summary: We report the discovery of a quiescent galaxy at $z=2.34$ with a stellar mass of only $M_star = 9.5^{+1.8}_{-1.2} times 10^{8} mathrm{M}_odot$, based on deep JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy. This is the least massive quiescent galaxy […]

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The UV Continuum Slopes of Early Star-Forming Galaxies in JADES

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Michael W. Topping, Daniel P. Stark, Ryan Endsley, Lily Whitler, Kevin Hainline | Summary: The power-law slope of the rest-UV continuum ($f_{lambda}proptolambda^{beta}$) is a key metric of early star forming galaxies, providing one of our only windows into the stellar populations and physical conditions of $z>10$ galaxies. […]

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Roman CCS White Paper: Measuring Type Ia Supernovae Discovered in the Roman High Latitude Time Domain Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Kaisey Mandel | First 5 Authors: Rebekah Hounsell, Dan Scolnic, Dillon Brout, Benjamin Rose, Ori Fox | Summary: We motivate the cosmological science case of measuring Type Ia supernovae with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope as part of the High Latitude Time Domain Survey. We discuss previously stated requirements for the science, […]

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