Layer-Dependent Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Rhombohedral Graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang

| First 5 Authors: Zhaochen Liu, Jing Wang, , ,

| Summary:

The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect, first proposed in the Haldane model,
is a paradigmatic example of the application of band topology in condensed
matter physics. The recent experimental discoveries of high Chern number QAH
effect in pentalayer and tetralayer rhombohedral graphene highlight the
intriguing interplay between strong interactions and spin-orbit coupling (SOC).
Here we propose a minimal interacting model for spin-orbit-coupled rhombohedral
graphene and use the Hartree-Fock analysis to explore the phase diagram at
charge neutrality. We find that with Ising SOC on one outmost graphene layer,
the in-plane layer-antiferromagnetic order is the insulating ground state
without displacement field. Upon increasing the gate displacement field, we
find that the QAH state with Chern number being equal to the layer number
emerges between layer-antiferromagnetic state and layer-polarized state, which
is consistent with experimental observations. Remarkably, we study the phase
diagram for different thicknesses and find pentalayer is optimal for the QAH
effect. Finally, we propose that the QAH state is enlarged by engineering
opposite Ising SOC on the opposite outmost layers of rhombohedral graphene.
These results will facilitate the realization of QAH states in rhombohedral
graphene with different thicknesses. Our work serves as a foundation for
further exploration of correlated physics of insulating state in rhombohedral

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