Kavli Affiliate: Masahito Yamazaki
| First 5 Authors: Weiguang Cao, Masahito Yamazaki, Linhao Li, ,
| Summary:
Recent advancements in generalized symmetries have drawn significant
attention to gapped phases of matter exhibiting novel symmetries, such as
noninvertible symmetries. By leveraging the duality transformations, the
classification and construction of gapped phases with noninvertible symmetry
can be mapped to those involving conventional group symmetries. We demonstrate
this approach by classifying symmetry-protected topological phases with a broad
class of noninvertible symmetries in arbitrary spacetime dimensions. Our
results reveal new classifications that extend beyond those based on group
symmetries. Additionally, we construct lattice models in $(1+1)d$ and $(2+1)d$
that realize these new phases and explore their anomalous interfaces.
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