Enhancement of temperature of quantum anomalous Hall effect in two-dimensional germanene/magnetic semiconductor heterostructures

Kavli Affiliate: Bo Gu

| First 5 Authors: Qing-Han Yang, Jia-Wen Li, Xin-Wei Yi, Xiang Li, Jing-Yang You

| Summary:

Quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) is significant for future low-power
electronics devices, where a main challenge is realizing QAHE at high
temperatures. In this work, based on experimentally reported two-dimensional
(2D) germanene and magnetic semiconductors Cr$_2$Ge$_2$Te$_6$ and
Cr$_2$Si$_2$Te$_6$, and the first principle calculations, germanene/magnetic
semiconductor heterostructures are investigated. Topologically nontrivial edge
states and quantized anomalous Hall conductance are demonstrated. It is shown
that the QAHE temperature can be enhanced to approximately 62 K in
germanene/monolayer (ML) Cr$_2$Ge$_2$Te$_6$ with 2.1% tensile strain, 64 K in
germanene/bilayer (BL) Cr$_2$Ge$_2$Te$_6$ with 1.4% tensile strain, and 50 K
in germanene/ML Cr$_2$Si$_2$Te$_6$ with 1.3% tensile strain. With increasing
tensile strain of these heterostructures, the band gap decreases and the Curie
temperature rises, and the highest temperature of QAHE is obtained. Since these
2D materials were discovered in recent experiments, our results provide
promising materials for achieving high-temperature QAHE.

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