Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller
| First 5 Authors: Samuel J. Poage, Xueshi Gao, Merve Baksi, Salva Salmani-Rezaie, David A. Muller
| Summary:
The superconducting order parameter at the KTaO3 interfaces and its
dependence on interface orientation remains a subject of debate. The
superconductivity at these interfaces exhibits strong resilience against
in-plane magnetic field and violates Pauli limit. The interface orientation
dependence of critical field and violation of Pauli limit, however, have not
been investigated. To address this problem, we grew epitaxial LaMnO3/KTaO3
heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy. We show that superconductivity
is extremely robust against the in-plane magnetic field. Our results indicate
that the interface orientation, despite impacting the critical temperature,
does not affect the ratio of critical field to the Pauli limiting field. These
results offer opportunities to engineer superconductors which are resilient
against magnetic field.
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