First-principle crosstalk dynamics and Hamiltonian learning via Rabi experiments

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi

| First 5 Authors: Jan Balewski, Adam Winick, Yilun Xu, Neel Vora, Gang Huang

| Summary:

Coherent errors constitute a significant barrier to successful large-scale
quantum computation. One such error mechanism is crosstalk, which violates
spatial locality or the independence of operations. We present a description of
crosstalk and learn the underlying parameters by executing novel simultaneous
Rabi experiments and fitting the Hamiltonian to the observed data. We use this
model to predict three- and four-qubit experiments and observe excellent
agreement between our theoretical predictions and experimental results. Our
technique enables researchers to study the dynamics of multi-qubit circuits
without performing experiments, potentially facilitating the minimization of
coherent gate errors via digital pulse precompilation. Additionally, this
method provides whole-chip crosstalk characterization, a useful tool for
guiding quantum processor design.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Irfan Siddiqi”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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