Continuum theory of electrostatic-elastic coupling interactions in colloidal crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Rudolf Podgornik

| First 5 Authors: Hao Wu, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Rudolf Podgornik, ,

| Summary:

A mobile Coulomb gas permeating a fixed background crystalline lattice of
charged colloidal crystals is subject to an electrostatic-elastic coupling,
which we study on the continuum level by introducing a minimal coupling between
electrostatic and displacement fields. We derive linearized,
Debye-H"uckel-like mean-field equations that can be analytically solved,
incorporating the minimal coupling between electrostatic and displacement
fields leading to an additional effective attractive interaction between mobile
charges that depends in general on the strength of the coupling between the
electrostatic and displacement fields. By analyzing the Gaussian fluctuations
around the mean-field solution we also identify and quantify the region of its
stability in terms of the electrostatic-elastic screening length. This detailed
continuum theory incorporating the standard lattice elasticity and
electrostatics of mobile charges provides a baseline to investigate the
electrostatic-elastic coupling for microscopic models in colloid science and
materials science.

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