Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang
| First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Zhongguo Sun, Xiangyu Hu, ,
| Summary:
This paper presents a Weakly Compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
(WCSPH) method for solving the two-equation Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes
(RANS) model. The turbulent wall-bounded flow with or without mild flow
separation, a crucial flow pattern in engineering applications, yet rarely
explored in the SPH community, is simulated. The inconsistency between the
Lagrangian characteristic and RANS model, mainly due to the intense particle
shear and near-wall discontinuity, is firstly revealed and addressed by the
mainstream and nearwall improvements, respectively. The mainstream
improvements, including Adaptive Riemann-eddy Dissipation (ARD) and Limited
Transport Velocity Formulation (LTVF), address dissipation incompatibility and
turbulent kinetic energy over-prediction issues. The nearwall improvements,
such as the particle-based wall model realization, weighted near-wall
compensation scheme, and constant $y_p$ strategy, improve the accuracy and
stability of the adopted wall model, where the wall dummy particles are still
used for future coupling of solid dynamics. Besides, to perform rigorous
convergence tests, an level-set-based boundary-offset technique is developed to
ensure consistent $y^+$ across different resolutions. The benchmark
wall-bounded turbulent cases, including straight, mildly- and strongly-curved,
and Half Converging and Diverging (HCD) channels are calculated. Good
convergence is, to our best knowledge, firstly achieved for both velocity and
turbulent kinetic energy for the SPH-RANS method. All the results agree well
with the data from the experiments or simulated by the Eulerian methods at
engineering-acceptable resolutions. The proposed method bridges particle-based
and mesh-based RANS models, providing adaptability for other turbulence models
and potential for turbulent fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations.
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