Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Moses
| First 5 Authors: Dylan Heberle, Christopher C. Tison, James Schneeloch, A. Matthew Smith, Paul M. Alsing
| Summary:
With the stability of integrated photonics at network nodes and the
advantages of photons as flying qubits, photonic quantum information processing
(PQIP) makes quantum networks increasingly scalable. However, scaling up PQIP
requires the preparation of many identical single photons which is limited by
the spectral distinguishability of integrated single-photon sources due to
variations in fabrication or local environment. To address this, we introduce
frequency auto-homogenization via group-velocity-matched downconversion to
remove spectral distinguishability in varying quantum emitters. We present our
theory using $chi^{(2)}$ quantum frequency conversion and show
proof-of-principle data in a free-space optical setup.
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