AEOS: Star-by-Star Cosmological Simulations of Early Chemical Enrichment and Galaxy Formation

Kavli Affiliate: Alexander P. Ji

| First 5 Authors: Kaley Brauer, Andrew Emerick, Jennifer Mead, Alexander P. Ji, John H. Wise

| Summary:

The AEOS project introduces a series of high-resolution cosmological
simulations that model star-by-star chemical enrichment and galaxy formation in
the early Universe, achieving 1 pc resolution. These simulations capture the
complexities of galaxy evolution within the first ~300 Myr by modeling
individual stars and their feedback processes. By incorporating chemical yields
from individual stars, AEOS generates galaxies with diverse stellar chemical
abundances, linking them to hierarchical galaxy formation and early
nucleosynthetic events. These simulations underscore the importance of chemical
abundance patterns in ancient stars as vital probes of early nucleosynthesis,
star formation histories, and galaxy formation. We examine the metallicity
floors of various elements resulting from Pop III enrichment, providing
best-fit values for eight different metals (e.g., [O/H] = -4.0) to guide
simulations without Pop III models. Additionally, we identify galaxies that
begin star formation with Pop II after external enrichment and investigate the
frequency of CEMP stars at varying metallicities. The AEOS simulations offer
detailed insights into the relationship between star formation, feedback, and
chemical enrichment. Future work will extend these simulations to later epochs
to interpret the diverse stellar populations of the Milky Way and its

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