Decomposing The Dark Matter of Sparse Autoencoders

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark

| First 5 Authors: Joshua Engels, Logan Riggs, Max Tegmark, ,

| Summary:

Sparse autoencoders (SAEs) are a promising technique for decomposing language
model activations into interpretable linear features. However, current SAEs
fall short of completely explaining model performance, resulting in "dark
matter": unexplained variance in activations. This work investigates dark
matter as an object of study in its own right. Surprisingly, we find that much
of SAE dark matter–about half of the error vector itself and >90% of its
norm–can be linearly predicted from the initial activation vector.
Additionally, we find that the scaling behavior of SAE error norms at a per
token level is remarkably predictable: larger SAEs mostly struggle to
reconstruct the same contexts as smaller SAEs. We build on the linear
representation hypothesis to propose models of activations that might lead to
these observations, including postulating a new type of "introduced error";
these insights imply that the part of the SAE error vector that cannot be
linearly predicted ("nonlinear" error) might be fundamentally different from
the linearly predictable component. To validate this hypothesis, we empirically
analyze nonlinear SAE error and show that 1) it contains fewer not yet learned
features, 2) SAEs trained on it are quantitatively worse, 3) it helps predict
SAE per-token scaling behavior, and 4) it is responsible for a proportional
amount of the downstream increase in cross entropy loss when SAE activations
are inserted into the model. Finally, we examine two methods to reduce
nonlinear SAE error at a fixed sparsity: inference time gradient pursuit, which
leads to a very slight decrease in nonlinear error, and linear transformations
from earlier layer SAE outputs, which leads to a larger reduction.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Max Tegmark”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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