Spectral analysis on standard locally homogeneous spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiyuki Kobayashi

| First 5 Authors: Fanny Kassel, Toshiyuki Kobayashi, , ,

| Summary:

Let $X=G/H$ be a reductive homogeneous space with $H$ noncompact, endowed
with a $G$-invariant pseudo-Riemannian structure. Let $L$ be a reductive
subgroup of $G$ acting properly on $X$ and $Gamma$ a torsion-free discrete
subgroup of $L$. Under the assumption that the complexification $X_{mathbb C}$
is $L_{mathbb C}$-spherical, we prove an explicit correspondence between
spectral analysis on the standard locally homogeneous space
$X_{Gamma}=Gammabackslash X$ and on $Gammabackslash L$ via branching laws
for the restriction to $L$ of irreducible representations of $G$. In
particular, we prove that the pseudo-Riemannian Laplacian on $X_{Gamma}$ is
essentially self-adjoint, and that it admits an infinite point spectrum when
$X_{Gamma}$ is compact or $Gammasubset L$ is arithmetic. The proof builds on
structural results for invariant differential operators on spherical
homogeneous spaces with overgroups.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Toshiyuki Kobayashi”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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