The Stellar Initial Mass Function of Early Dark Matter-free Gas Objects

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger

| First 5 Authors: William Lake, Michael Y. Grudić, Smadar Naoz, Naoki Yoshida, Claire E. Williams

| Summary:

To date, JWST has detected the earliest known star clusters in our Universe
(Adamo et al. 2024, Messa et al. 2024, Vanzella et al. 2024, Mowla et al.
2024). They appear to be relatively compact (~few pc, Adamo et al. 2024) and
had only recently formed their stars. It was speculated that these clusters may
be the earliest progenitors of globular clusters ever detected. Globular
clusters are a relic of the initial stages of star formation in the Universe.
However, because they contain little to no dark matter (e.g., Heggie & Hut
1996, Bradford et al. 2011, Conroy et al. 2011, Ibata et al. 2013), their
formation mechanism poses a significant theoretical challenge. A recent
suggestion pointed out that the relative velocity between the gas and the dark
matter (Tseliakhovich & Hirata 2010) in the early Universe could naturally form
potentially star-forming regions outside of dark matter halos. Here, for the
first time, we follow the star formation process of these early Universe
objects using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations, including mechanical
feedback. Our results suggest that the first dark matter-less star clusters are
top-heavy, with a higher abundance of massive stars compared to today’s
clusters and extremely high stellar mass surface densities compared to the
local Universe.

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