The FUV Spectrum of FU Ori South

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg

| First 5 Authors: Adolfo S. Carvalho, Gregory J. Herczeg, Kevin France, Lynne A. Hillenbrand,

| Summary:

The eruptive YSO FU Ori is the eponym of its variable class. FU Ori stars are
known to undergo outbursts with amplitudes of $>4$ magnitudes in the $V$ band
and durations of several decades. Interaction with a binary companion is one
proposed outburst trigger, so understanding both components of the FU Ori
system is crucial. A recent HST/STIS observation of the FU Ori system clearly
resolves its North and South components. We report here on the spectrum of FU
Ori South. We detect NUV continuum emission but no FUV continuum, although
several bright emission lines consistent with those seen in T Tauri stars are
present. The presence of the C II] 2325 multiplet and many H$_2$ lines indicate
active accretion. We estimate the extinction to the source and find that the UV
spectrum favors $A_V < 4$, contrary to past estimates based on the NIR

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