Coherent Information Phase Transition in a Noisy Quantum Circuit

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang

| First 5 Authors: Dongheng Qian, Jing Wang, , ,

| Summary:

Coherent information quantifies the transmittable quantum information through
a channel and is directly linked to the channel’s quantum capacity. In the
context of dynamical purification transitions, scrambling dynamics sustain
extensive and positive coherent information at low measurement rates, but
noises can suppress it to zero or negative values. Here we introduce
quantum-enhanced operations into a noisy monitored quantum circuit. This
circuit, viewed as a quantum channel, undergoes a phase transition in coherent
information from a recoverable phase with positive values to an irrecoverable
phase with negative values. This transition is modulated by the relative
frequency of noise and quantum-enhanced operations. The existence of a
recoverable phase implies that quantum-enhanced operations can facilitate
reliable quantum information transmission in the presence of diverse noises.
Remarkably, we propose a resource-efficient protocol to characterize this phase
transition, effectively avoiding post-selection by utilizing every run of the
quantum simulation. This approach bridges the gap between theoretical insights
and practical implementation, making the phase transition feasible to
demonstrate on realistic noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Jing Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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