Reinforcement learning pulses for transmon qubit entangling gates

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley

| First 5 Authors: Ho Nam Nguyen, Felix Motzoi, Mekena Metcalf, K. Birgitta Whaley, Marin Bukov

| Summary:

The utility of a quantum computer depends heavily on the ability to reliably
perform accurate quantum logic operations. For finding optimal control
solutions, it is of particular interest to explore model-free approaches, since
their quality is not constrained by the limited accuracy of theoretical models
for the quantum processor – in contrast to many established gate implementation
strategies. In this work, we utilize a continuous-control reinforcement
learning algorithm to design entangling two-qubit gates for superconducting
qubits; specifically, our agent constructs cross-resonance and CNOT gates
without any prior information about the physical system. Using a simulated
environment of fixed-frequency, fixed-coupling transmon qubits, we demonstrate
the capability to generate novel pulse sequences that outperform the standard
cross-resonance gates in both fidelity and gate duration, while maintaining a
comparable susceptibility to stochastic unitary noise. We further showcase an
augmentation in training and input information that allows our agent to adapt
its pulse design abilities to drifting hardware characteristics, importantly
with little to no additional optimization. Our results exhibit clearly the
advantages of unbiased adaptive-feedback learning-based optimization methods
for transmon gate design.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Birgitta Whaley”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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