Error Mitigated Metasurface-Based Randomized Measurement Schemes

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley

| First 5 Authors: Hang Ren, Yipei Zhang, Ze Zheng, Cuifeng Ying, Lei Xu

| Summary:

Estimating properties of quantum states via randomized measurements has come
to play a significant role in quantum information science. In this paper, we
design an innovative approach leveraging metasurfaces to perform randomized
measurements on photonic qubits, together with error mitigation techniques that
suppress realistic metasurface measurement noise. Through fidelity and purity
estimation, we confirm the capability of metasurfaces to implement randomized
measurements and the unbiased nature of our error-mitigated estimator. Our
findings show the potential of metasurface-based randomized measurement schemes
in achieving robust and resource-efficient estimation of quantum state

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Birgitta Whaley”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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