Modular Products and Modules for Finite Groups

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey A. Harvey

| First 5 Authors: John F. R. Duncan, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Brandon C. Rayhaun, ,

| Summary:

Motivated by the appearance of penumbral moonshine, and by evidence that
penumbral moonshine enjoys an extensive relationship to generalized monstrous
moonshine via infinite products, we establish a general construction in this
work which uses singular theta lifts and a concrete construction at the level
of modules for a finite group to translate between moonshine in weight one-half
and moonshine in weight zero. This construction serves as a foundation for a
companion paper in which we explore the connection between penumbral Thompson
moonshine and a special case of generalized monstrous moonshine in detail.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Jeffrey A. Harvey”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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