Simulating Hydrodynamics in Cosmology with CRK-HACC

Kavli Affiliate: Katrin Heitmann

| First 5 Authors: Nicholas Frontiere, J. D. Emberson, Michael Buehlmann, Joseph Adamo, Salman Habib

| Summary:

We introduce CRK-HACC, an extension of the Hardware/Hybrid Accelerated
Cosmology Code (HACC), to resolve gas hydrodynamics in large-scale structure
formation simulations of the universe. The new framework couples the HACC
gravitational N-body solver with a modern smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
approach called CRKSPH. $underline{text{C}}$onservative
$underline{text{R}}$eproducing $underline{text{K}}$ernel
$underline{text{SPH}}$ utilizes smoothing functions that exactly interpolate
linear fields while manifestly preserving conservation laws (momentum, mass,
and energy). The CRKSPH method has been incorporated to accurately model
baryonic effects in cosmology simulations – an important addition targeting the
generation of precise synthetic sky predictions for upcoming observational
surveys. CRK-HACC inherits the performance design specifications of HACC and is
optimized to run effectively on modern GPU-accelerated supercomputers. In this
work, we summarize the primary solver components and present a number of
standard validation tests to demonstrate efficacy, including idealized
hydrodynamic and cosmological setups, as well as self-similarity measurements.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Katrin Heitmann”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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