Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack
| First 5 Authors: Ruiheng Bai, Aliakbar Sepehri, Yen-Lee Loh, Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano, Anna Herr
| Summary:
We use scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID)
microscopy to image vortices in superconducting strips fabricated from NbTiN
thin films. We repeatedly cool superconducting strips with different width in
an applied magnetic field and image the individual vortices. From these images
we determine the threshold field at which the first vortex enters a strip, as
well as the number and spatial configuration of vortices beyond this threshold
field. We model vortex behavior with and without considering the effect of
pinning by numercially minimizing the Gibbs free energy of vortices in the
strips. Our measurements provide a first benchmark to understand the flux
trapping properties of NbTiN thin films directly relevant to NbTiN-based
superconducting circuits and devices.
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