Dark Energy Survey: Modeling strategy for multiprobe cluster cosmology and validation for the Full Six-year Dataset

Kavli Affiliate: Chihway Chang

| First 5 Authors: Chun-Hao To, Elisabeth Krause, Chihway Chang, Hao-Yi Wu, Risa H. Wechsler

| Summary:

We introduce an updated To&Krause2021 model for joint analyses of cluster
abundances and large-scale two-point correlations of weak lensing and galaxy
and cluster clustering (termed CL+3x2pt analysis) and validate that this model
meets the systematic accuracy requirements of analyses with the statistical
precision of the final Dark Energy Survey (DES) Year 6 (Y6) dataset. The
validation program consists of two distinct approaches, (1) identification of
modeling and parameterization choices and impact studies using simulated
analyses with each possible model misspecification (2) end-to-end validation
using mock catalogs from customized Cardinal simulations that incorporate
realistic galaxy populations and DES-Y6-specific galaxy and cluster selection
and photometric redshift modeling, which are the key observational systematics.
In combination, these validation tests indicate that the model presented here
meets the accuracy requirements of DES-Y6 for CL+3x2pt based on a large list of
tests for known systematics. In addition, we also validate that the model is
sufficient for several other data combinations: the CL+GC subset of this data
vector (excluding galaxy–galaxy lensing and cosmic shear two-point statistics)
and the CL+3x2pt+BAO+SN (combination of CL+3x2pt with the previously published
Y6 DES baryonic acoustic oscillation and Y5 supernovae data).

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Chihway Chang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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