The Spectroscopic Stage-5 Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman

| First 5 Authors: Robert Besuner, Arjun Dey, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Haruki Ebina, Guillermo Fernandez Moroni

| Summary:

Observational cosmology has provided an extraordinary perspective on our
universe and our place within it. However, as our understanding of the universe
has increased, some glaring holes in our knowledge have become apparent: What
physics is responsible for the super-luminal expansion of the universe at early
times? What drives the accelerating expansion of the universe at late times?
What is the nature of the mysterious dark matter that makes up 83% of the
matter in the universe? These fundamental physical questions are intimately
linked to fundamental astronomical questions about how galaxies and stars have
formed and evolved within our universe. Cosmic surveys are the primary means by
which we study the origin, structure, composition, and evolution of our
universe. In particular, many of these questions require the spectroscopy of
large numbers of astronomical sources. Spectroscopy provides key data on the
physics of primordial inflation and late-time cosmic acceleration, the
astrophysics of galaxy evolution, and the nature and effects of dark matter in
galaxies. For example, observable features in the three-dimensional structure
of the universe are key predictions of cosmological models, and their time
evolution provides unique constraints on the nature of dark energy, inflation
and the gravitational effects of dark matter. The next major advance in our
understanding of the universe requires spectroscopic measurements of hundreds
of millions of astronomical objects.

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