Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi
| First 5 Authors: Luca Spagnoli, Noah Goss, Alessandro Roggero, Ermal Rrapaj, Michael J. Cervia
| Summary:
Collective neutrino flavor oscillations are of primary importance in
understanding the dynamic evolution of core-collapse supernovae and subsequent
terrestrial detection, but also among the most challenging aspects of numerical
simulations. This situation is complicated by the quantum many-body nature of
the problem due to neutrino-neutrino interactions which demands a quantum
treatment. An additional complication is the presence of three flavors, which
often is approximated by the electron flavor and a heavy lepton flavor. In this
work, we provide both qubit and qutrit encodings for all three flavors, and
develop optimized quantum circuits for the time evolution and analyze the
Trotter error. We conclude our study with a hardware experiment of a system of
two neutrinos with superconducting hardware: the IBM Torino device for qubits
and AQT device for qutrits. We find that error mitigation greatly helps in
obtaining a signal consistent with simulations. While hardware results are
comparable at this stage, we expect the qutrit setup to be more convenient for
large-scale simulations since it does not suffer from probability leakage into
nonphsycial qubit space, unlike the qubit setup.
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