Gauging the complex SYK model

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng

| First 5 Authors: Ziruo Zhang, Cheng Peng, , ,

| Summary:

Motivated by SYK-like models describing near-BPS black holes in
string/M-theory, we consider gauging the U$(1)$ symmetry of the complex SYK
model in the presence of a Wilson line with charge $k$. At a fixed background
gauge field, solutions to the Schwinger-Dyson equations display vastly
different properties from those at a fixed real chemical potential. In the
partition function and the two-point function, the integral over the gauge
field is performed either directly or via a large $N$ saddle point
approximation, and both results are consistent with exact diagonalization data.
From the behaviour of the two-point function at large $N$, we deduce that the
conformal symmetry at low energies is preserved at fixed $kappa = k/N = 0$,
but broken at $kappaneq 0$. In addition, we find that there is maximal chaos
for all $k$.

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