Directional propagation of quantum Hall viscous fluid by nano-structural engineering

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo

| First 5 Authors: Hiroshi Funaki, Ai Yamakage, Ryotaro Sano, Mamoru Matsuo,

| Summary:

We present a microscopic theory of the viscous electron fluid in the quantum
Hall state based on the nonequilibrium Green’s function method and the von
Neumann lattice representation. This approach permits the formulation of
hydrodynamic equations in the strong field regime that accommodates arbitrary
boundary conditions. We demonstrate nonreciprocal transport resulting from the
interplay between magnetic field-induced viscosity and device geometry in a
notched system. Our results will offer a powerful tool for studying the
nonperturbative effects of magnetic fields on electron viscous fluids.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Mamoru Matsuo”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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