The GammaTPC Gamma-Ray Telescope Concept

Kavli Affiliate: Eric Charles

| First 5 Authors: Tom Shutt, Bahrudin Trbalic, Eric Charles, Niccolo Di Lalla, Oliver Hitchcock

| Summary:

We present GammaTPC, a transformative 0.1-10 MeV $gamma$-ray instrument
concept featuring a tracker using a liquid argon time projection chamber (LAr
TPC) technology with the novel GAMPix high spatial resolution and ultra low
power charge readout. These enable an economical instrument with unprecedented
effective area and sensitivity. We discuss the design and technology in some
detail, including how a LAr TPC can be staged in space. Finally, we present a
first study of the sensitivity of the instrument in the Compton regime using a
new framework for analyzing Compton telescope data.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Eric Charles”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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