Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki
| First 5 Authors: Leah Bigwood, Martin A. Bourne, Vid Irsic, Alexandra Amon, Debora Sijacki
| Summary:
While cosmological simulations of galaxy formation have reached maturity,
able to reproduce many fundamental galaxy and halo properties, no consensus has
yet been reached on the impact of `baryonic feedback’ on the non-linear matter
power spectrum. This severely limits the precision of (and potentially biases)
small-scale cosmological constraints obtained from weak lensing and galaxy
surveys. Recent observational evidence indicates that `baryonic feedback’ may
be more extreme than commonly assumed in current cosmological hydrodynamical
simulations. In this paper, we therefore explore a range of empirical AGN
feedback models, within the FABLE simulation suite, with different
parameterizations as a function of cosmic time, host halo properties, and/or
spatial location where feedback energy is thermalized. We demonstrate that an
AGN radio-mode feedback acting in a larger population of black holes, with jets
thermalizing at relatively large cluster-centric distances, as exemplified by
our XFABLE model, is in good agreement with the latest weak lensing + kSZ
constraints across all k-scales. Furthermore, XFABLE maintains good agreement
with the galaxy stellar mass function, gas fraction measurements, and all key
galaxy group and cluster properties, including scaling relations and ICM radial
profiles. Our work highlights the pressing need to model black hole accretion
and feedback physics with a greater level of realism, including relativistic,
magnetized jets in full cosmological simulations. Finally, we discuss how a
range of complementary observational probes in the near future will enable us
to constrain AGN feedback models, and therefore reduce `baryonic feedback’
modelling uncertainty for the upcoming era of large cosmological surveys.
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