Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi
| First 5 Authors: Kanji Mori, Tomoya Takiwaki, Kei Kotake, Shunsaku Horiuchi,
| Summary:
We perform three-dimensional supernova simulations with a phenomenological
treatment of neutrino flavor conversions. We show that the explosion energy can
increase to as high as ~10^51 erg depending on the critical density for the
onset of flavor conversions, due to a significant enhancement of the mean
energy of electron antineutrinos. Our results confirm previous studies showing
such energetic explosions, but for the first time in three-dimensional
configurations. In addition, we predict neutrino and gravitational wave (GW)
signals from a nearby supernova explosion aided by flavor conversions. We find
that the neutrino event number decreases because of the reduced flux of
heavy-lepton neutrinos. In order to detect GWs, next-generation GW telescopes
such as Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope are needed even if the supernova
event is located at the Galactic center. These findings show that the neutrino
flavor conversions can significantly change supernova dynamics and highlight
the importance of further studies on the quantum kinetic equations to determine
the conditions of the conversions and their asymptotic states.
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