Kavli Affiliate: Tadayuki Takahashi
| First 5 Authors: Naoki Itoh, Hugo Allaire, Tokihiro Ikeda, Shunsaku Nagasawa, Shinji Okada
| Summary:
We investigated the energy dependence of the number of triggered pixels, or
cluster size, when charged particles are detected using the TimePix3 detector
with a silicon sensor. We measured protons in the range of 1.5~3.3 MeV from a
Pelletron accelerator at RIKEN using a TimePix3 detector with a 500 um-thick
silicon sensor. We determined from the experimental results a cluster size
comprised between 30 and 80 pixels. To understand the physical process that
produces large cluster images and its energy dependence, we simulated the
charge carrier drifts in the sensor, assuming the incidence of a proton in the
detector. The cluster sizes estimated in the simulation were smaller than those
observed in the experiment, and remained constant across the entire energy
range, when thermal diffusion and charge carriers self-repulsion were
considered as the factors of the cluster image formation. In addition, we
discovered that the size of the cluster image and its energy dependence
observed in the experiment could be well explained when considering that the
TimePix3 detector is sensitive to the transient induced charges, allowing even
pixels that do not collect the charge carriers to trigger. We conclude that the
cluster size measurement is a promising method for evaluating the energy
deposited by a charged particle in the TimePix3 detector.
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