Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan
| First 5 Authors: Xiaohui Liu, Werner Vogelsang, Feng Yuan, Hua Xing Zhu,
| Summary:
We investigate the energy-energy correlator (EEC) of hadrons produced on the
same side in $e^+e^-$ annihilation or in leading jets in $pp$ collisions. We
observe a remarkable universality of the correlator. Using a non-perturbative
transverse momentum dependent (TMD) fragmentation function to model the
transition from the “free-hadron" region to the perturbative collinear region,
we are able to describe the near-side shapes and peaks over a wide range of
energy for both the $e^+e^-$ annihilation and the $pp$ jet substructure
measurements in terms of just two parameters. We present further predictions
for the ratio of the projected three-point energy correlator to the EEC. The
excellent agreement between our calculations and the experimental data may
provide new insights into the role of non-perturbative physics for EECs, and
suggests the possibility of exploring non-perturbative TMDs using theoretical
tools developed for the energy correlators.
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